A short book of very short, very off-the-wall stories. These stories each take a little random idea and answer the question, what if this little random idea happened in real life? Delightfully bizarre.
A short book of very short, very off-the-wall stories. These stories each take a little random idea and answer the question, what if this little random idea happened in real life? Delightfully bizarre.
Check out the gorgeous book covers my spouse got me for Christmas! He wrapped them around library books he got from deep in my TBR list, as is our tradition (the library books...the book covers are a new thing). I'm told there are a bunch more coming in, but so far, I have the tagged, plus Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams and Haven by Emma Donoghue. Perfect for #ReadOutTheOld!
What a great surprise this was! I got this book in the mail from #BookCrosser GoryDetails for releasing the most books for her #BookCrossing 2021 April Showers May Flowers release challenge. This was the first book I ever put on my BookCrossing wishlist. I had to start reading it right away, of course. Never mind the other three books that I am also currently reading! 🤣🤣🤣
I decided to read this after rewatching one of my favorite movies, “Wristcutters: A Love Story”, as of contains the novella, “Kneller‘s Happy Campers”, which the movie was based off of. Unlike a lot of book-to-movie adaptations, I found it markedly similar to the movie, aside from some name changes and more details. It was excellent! I loved the other short stories, too. Will have to read more Keret, as I dig his style.
1. Wristcutters: A Love Story
2. My son, who has ASD, being completely mesmerized by the World of Colour show at Disneyland
3. Autobiography
4. Depends on what I‘m colouring
5. What is best sandwich?
When you are feeling bad for yourself and also you work at a bookstore
You know your partner loves you when they buy you the hardcover book of one of your favorite books that you no longer own because a former roommate stole it.
"You'll never know what's going on inside the heads of other people." (Keret read here and was extraordinarily generous to our students.)
Etgar Keret writes surrealist, super short short-stories (often only 3 or 4 pages). Witty in a darkly ironic way, rather than laugh-out-loud funny, these stories are incredibly inventive and thought provoking. Keret is an automatic-buy author for me.
#shortstories #translatedbooks #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
It can be a tired cliche to say "the book was better", but in this case the source material made for one of my favourite films of all time, both are so great! I think I'll name my next band "Kneller's Happy Campers" :)