11 hours into the readathon and I‘m diving into some non fiction. Check out our cool tracking board #24in48 #not24in48 #1001books
11 hours into the readathon and I‘m diving into some non fiction. Check out our cool tracking board #24in48 #not24in48 #1001books
The 2nd of my trifecta of audiobooks on the female voice in power was touted as a letter to the future female president. It is an interesting memoir from the Communications director of Hillary's campaign. She talks about what she and the campaign went through during those weeks pre- and post-election day in 2016. There were some good insights about how a female leader will differ but it didn't quite track as well as I thought it could've.
This is a great short listen for women who want to break some glass, especially in politics. Though an open letter to the first woman who will be president one day, it's also for those who are working in that direction. It details the path of the Clinton campaign with some interesting introspection and advice to avoid the same pitfalls. Perhaps we'll get there one day.
Its definitely a wake up call to be more invested in politics.
A good short essay on how difficult the election was for Hillary. It did made me angry when it‘s laid out bare, but it didn‘t inspire me to run for President. It‘s part rant, part advice column. I wish she had just ranted vs. trying to give advice. But I appreciated both. The mash up was just sometimes awkward.
"How women can lead in a new way... how we can create a new model of leadership in our own image, not a man's."
#audiobook #currentlylistening #ivoted
This slim volume advertises itself as a letter to the first woman president (whomever she may be) from a veteran of Hillary Clinton‘s campaign. It is largely a memoir of the author but offers some thoughts based on what Hillary had to deal with in her campaign, as well as a hopeful message and urge to not be defeated by these things, which makes it a worthwhile read.
This was a quick read with some good insights... between a pick and and so-so for me
I thought I was done with my 2016 election reads, but I couldn‘t help myself. This was well done.
Quick book that is meant to be a letter for the first woman president. I liked some parts (examples from the Obama White House) but didn‘t enjoy reliving the 2016 election (once was enough for me). I wished the book gave more depth or examples of women leaders from around the world to back up each chapter with showing us not telling us what to do. Decent, not amazing for for me.
Good, sad and frustrating
Some interesting insights from an insider but nothing that seemed revelatory. Though I can see it aging well, and being a more important read in 5-10 years for those too young to remember the 2016 election. For now I think the format, open letter to the future first madam president, falls flat. At its worst it is light on wisdom and heavy on fortune cookie one liners.
An open letter to the future female president of the us, palmieri gives a behind the scenes look at how Clinton‘s gender impacted how voters and the media viewed her. Advice for the first woman to be president as well as details about decision making on the campaign and the author‘s emotions as campaign hits and the ultimate loss unfolded. Short, hopeful, and insightful, a nice audiobook for these sometimes dark seeming days.
I like the direction this book is taking, by assuming a woman has won a future US Presidential election and documenting the ways in which we failed to see how the system is unable to view an ambitious woman as presidential, and the ways that needs to be dismantled.
This one gave me all the feels. Highly recommended!
In today‘s “look what came in for Jess from the library...” So excited to read this (perks of being the adult fiction and nonfiction selector for the library system is purchasing books you want to read too!).
Loved this. I‘m going to give it to my daughter. She just turned 13 last week. Never too soon, right?
This book is small but mighty-lots of lessons about having grace under fire and how failure doesn‘t necessarily mean defeat.
When I started reading it today I immediately began thinking of my daughter who wants to graduate in 4 years, leave our conservative area of the country, & go to college. She plans on going to law school & immediately start working on her own political career to eventually achieve her goal of becoming a United States Senator. This is the book for her & every girl who will run the world like a girl!
“Who run the world? Girls” #Bey
Book haul from Parnassus, all signed! My mom and I were ridiculously lucky to be there when Jennifer Palmieri was doing a reading. She was full of so much wisdom and hope. It was slightly ruined when, after a discussion of barriers to women in politics and powerful roles, the man behind us in the signing line pushed us out of the way when we were mid-conversation with her to get his own book signed. Kind of astounding. Sigh.
A long letter to the next female to run for the presidency; it is filled with lessons learned from Hillary Clinton‘s campaign. #OneSittingRead ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❤️ My library hold came in! ❤️
Just started this book and it‘s already breaking my heart!
No matter your politics, the advice given to any woman who seeks to be in a leadership position is well thought out and truly inspiring.