This is a sweet story with a good message about accepting others. Oh, and there‘s an HEA. No #elfsex but there is a little #elfkissing.
This is a sweet story with a good message about accepting others. Oh, and there‘s an HEA. No #elfsex but there is a little #elfkissing.
Y‘all! Kris Kringle has an Abominable Administrative Department. I‘m renaming my office that at work. It‘s all Tim appears to be cut out for - he‘s not “handsome” enough to be a Rein Deer or “hardboiled” enough to be a toy soldier. He isn‘t talented enough to be a Cookie Cutter or a Ribbon Curler. And Noel picks on him. Poor Tim.
I‘ve never seen this series before! It showed as an also-bought on another book I was looking at (My literature category recommendations on my own Kindle includes a lot of m|m romance. My newer Kindle actually just goes, recommended for you in gay romance - it gets its own section now). The first one is free. It looks like there‘s now a possibility for #elfporn, without the squickiness of tentacles or dinosaurs.