Not just Thanksgiving, but the 54th anniversary of the first episode of Doctor Who!
#TimeAndRelativeDimensionInSpace #BiggerOnTheInside
Not just Thanksgiving, but the 54th anniversary of the first episode of Doctor Who!
#TimeAndRelativeDimensionInSpace #BiggerOnTheInside
Strange and potentially universe shattering things are afoot at the Fetch Golf Spa in '70s Scotland, so the Fourth Doctor is on the job, joined by a feisty receptionist and the meek alien bounty hunter with a crush on her. The author nails the playful and serious sides of Baker's Doctor, but the real villain commanding the evil force gets zero development other than "rude American teen". The Douglas Adams style humor saves the day in the end.
Not many folks came in to work today. In other news, I'm going to quit messing around and take a serious chunk out of this book this evening.
I'm enjoying the wacky oh-so-Douglas-Adamsy tone of this one, but the combination of an under-the-weather wife and a two-year-old means I'm moving through it at a crawl.
Since the big 50th Anniversary in 2013, I've read a Doctor Who novel every November. This year it's time for the 4th Doctor.
My two new Funko Pop Keychains. The Fourth Doctor and The Tardis. To complement this book about the Fourth Doctor.
I am a big Doctor Who fan. This book features the Fourth Doctor. The author really captured the essence of the Doctor. The heroine of the story, Bryony, meshes well into the Doctor's world. The twins, Xavier and Honor, add a creepy element. They could have left out Zandor's backstory though.
Happy Doctor Whosday!
This book totally captures the funny, bonkers, sly-like-a-fox Fourth Doctor of the Douglas Adams era. The problem is it's set much earlier in Tom Baker's run, which works against it. But the story is okay and Bryony makes a good companion. Decent Past Doctor book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
It's bigger on the inside. (Guess that goes for most books, but especially this one.)