Book haul from Cavalier House Books at the #Louisianameetup this weekend! Lots of great finds and got to meet Littens IRL! ❤️😁 #CavalierHouseBooks
Book haul from Cavalier House Books at the #Louisianameetup this weekend! Lots of great finds and got to meet Littens IRL! ❤️😁 #CavalierHouseBooks
Dear Frances and Bernard,
Although I typically love epistolary novels, I have to break up with you. Your voices are so similar it‘s difficult to distinguish who is writing. And your constant whining just annoys me and makes me sad. I‘m counting you as a full read because I only have 75 pages left. Best wishes, SledgeReader
A snapshot of a relationship from beginning to end, presented through a series of letters. What started off as entertaining and witty repartee became a bit too overwrought (for my tastes) by the end, but overall an engaging read.
Came across this quote last night. It's one of the best descriptions of the struggle with depression that I've read in a long time. For those like me that live with depression, it can be soothing to see emotions so perfectly put into words. Somehow these words help make the struggle manageable and prove that others truly can understand, even when it doesn't always seem like it. Depression lies, but we know better. 👊
"I am in no mood to fulminate on paper--I wish the two of us were in a room together talking of what matters most, the air thick with affinity."