#Sports ⚾️ #SchoolSpirit 🏫🎒🔔👩🏫✏️🍎📓📚
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
#Sports ⚾️ #SchoolSpirit 🏫🎒🔔👩🏫✏️🍎📓📚
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
#BFCr3 check in since I had eye surgery earlier in the week I only worked out 2 days (last Sunday and today) but I read a total of 7 books this week bringing my overall total to 22/30. Went to a baseball game tonight. We have the cubs farm team here and one of our pharmacists arranged an outing for us. Cubs lost btw, but the people watching was spectacular and a good time was had by all. 😁 plus there were fireworks! @wanderinglynn
Definitely going to become a huge Vale fan! So far I‘ve looked the books I‘ve read by her!
The title amused me. Book 1 in the There‘s No Crying In Baseball Series. I was initially hesitant because other than the Cubs, I don‘t really care that much about baseball but the love story between Hancock and Sway turned out to be surprisingly sweet. Old friends from other books had cameos and I‘m ready for new characters to get their stories. It seemed a good set up for other members of the team as well as Hancock‘s brother to get their own.
The title amuses me, the storyline is not bad, not too dramatic which is kind of what I need right now. Also, some mornings just call for chocolate pop tarts and Diet Pepsi. Or as I liked to call it in school: The Breakfast of champions
Today's #AuthorLingo101:
NaNoWriMo or NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth: Every November, more than 300K authors bleed 50K words, some through their eyeballs, others through their fingertips. It's a bloodbath.
Pitch Party: A newish way to get an agent to look at an unpublished author's manuscript is through participation in Twitter pitch parties. Sell your book in 140 (now 280) characters on the party hashtag, and agents may invite you to query them.
This secret thought made me giggle because I totally have the same secret thought 😬 #ItsALegitFear #Monsters #SecretThoughts #ImAwareIm33YearsOld #DontJudge #BookNerd 📚💙