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TwoGirlsandaBookObsession.com is doing a book giveaway at the link below. The book is The forgotten girl by the talented David Bell
This was just ok. I actually liked most of the book and was interested in the plot, but the end was a let down. The big reveal wasn't really believable and there was too much unnecessary filler. I really liked Since She Went Away by Bell also, so I'll still read his others at some point.
This wasn't my favorite thriller. It was pretty predictable and it got boring in parts. The writing also could have been better as far as the dialogue and the way the story came together. Overall, it kept my interest, but I didn't love it.
Interesting plot, but I was a bit baffled by the relationships in the story- why was Jason so interested in the niece he had hardly ever seen? What is up with Jason and Nora? Is it just me or is Hayden creepy? 🤔
Once again, a solid mystery, quick read, page turner from David Bell!! Well written. You really want to get to the end to find the answer to the mystery.