No rating as DNF'd. The first chapter was excellent & I was invested in the coming storyline but when the timeline jumped ahead, the pacing slowed down too much & I just wasn't eager to pick it back up.
No rating as DNF'd. The first chapter was excellent & I was invested in the coming storyline but when the timeline jumped ahead, the pacing slowed down too much & I just wasn't eager to pick it back up.
By 50 pages in I was done😕. Maybe it would‘ve been good but just not in a “stick it out” mood.
Jan 2021 - read before I watch / dystopian - Decent story, similar to Feed by MT Anderson, makes you uncomfortable about your phone addiction. Some decent plot twists. Will probably throw popcorn at the TV while I complain about the plot.
Nick Clark Windo‘s debut SF dystopia has some fascinating ideas about memory, knowledge and the dangers posed by over-reliance on technology and I really enjoyed how integral The Feed is to people‘s lives but a twist half way through the book, while intriguing, also raised more questions than answers and I felt that the introduction of a time-travel element caused the story to lose its way and my interest waned, although I‘d read his next book.
Book 5 in O.W.L.s readathon. Prompt was Divination=read a book set in the future.Book has 2 time lines. Also book was discussed in book club. This is a dystopian novel where premise was interesting. It was like The Host were "entities" good & bad possessed person's bodies through "a feed"in order to have another chance. It was like a social criticism of the devastation of the world & humanity. However, it was confused & boring sometimes. 2.85⭐️
More #mehthanyeah
Fell flat for me in the middle and realised I‘d lost interest. Flipped to the end - then wanted to know how it ended up like that - then didn‘t like why/how it happened. If you‘re still avidly reading dystopian stuff then you may enjoy! This was an offer from Foyles last week and picked by son for next read!!
Apparently it will be a new telly series 🤷♀️
Hello Litsy!! It‘s been awhile. Connecting back into The Feed with a new audiobook.
My first box from @apostrophebox. Looki g forward to diving into this cyberpunk book and trying the coffee.
#apostrophebox #literarylife #thefeed #bookunboxing #booksandcoffee
First new addition to my shelves for April. I really need to start reading through stuff faster.
Behind on posting yet again! Last week's #bookmail included this recent giveaway win. I've seen mixed reviews, but I'm a sucker for dystopian stories. Now to find a spot for it on my TBR...
The Feed is a solid, well-written, but pretty traditional dystopian novel. Definitely recommended for dystopia fans! I expected something more ground-breaking from it, and maybe more powerful or adventure driven, but it's more of a slice-of-life. However, I enjoyed it - so read the full review here: https://goo.gl/ETMbov
Excellent post-apocalyptic novel. In the not-so-distant future, nearly all have been implanted to receive The Feed--like having the internet, your phone, texting, instant data and ads, all right in your brain. Constantly. This book takes place in England after The Feed goes down. There are some very clever ideas and a couple of twists in this, and I really enjoyed it.
Starting my next book while enjoying my morning cappuccino. #ARC #morecoffeeplease
Wow. Kind of want to go social media silent for a few weeks and devote all my time to survivalist training. Kind of. Not quite lol. Great read. I can't wait for the release now.