“Remember-it‘s a long race and you can always outwork talent in the end.”
I would use this with older children or in a high school setting as many topics are controversial.
I believe this book definitely portrays reality‘s of children‘s life today. Many children go through a lot of things at home and have different coping mechanisms as well. For finely, this is basketball. Many controversial topics are brought up such as frugs, violence and racism.
“I don‘t want to understand any of what he is saying. I‘m just a kid. I‘m not part of the Irish mob, or whatever they‘re calling themselves these days”
My favorite part of this book is the plot and the storyline. Following along while you read makes this book a page turner. The author does a good job of making sure the plot of the book is clear. It is written by the author who wrote Silver Linings Playbook.
I read this book when I was in middle school. The plot of the story is very intriguing and the book is a page turner. You will become connected to Finley on his journey through his broken home and Irish mob ridden life. The only thing about this book is it feels as if the author really doesn‘t come from this culture, so some parts feel stereotypical. Besides that, this book is one that you won‘t want to stop reading when you start.
This realistic fiction book touches on hard topics kids might be going through. However, it also gives suggestions of ways you might be able to cope with them. The main character decided he would use his outlet for basketball. It helped him come to surface and deal with his issues and made him find a better identity of who he wanted to be as a person. He was able to set goals and overcome hard things. This book is good for any kid!
Ich mochte das Buch sehr. Liest sich flüssig und hat genug Elemente, die die Story unvorhersehbar machen.
Dass das Gegensatz-Paar Finley und Russ mir nicht durchgängig als solches präsent war, liegt wohl an mir und nicht am Autor.
Auch für das Ende gibt es genug Vorbereitung. Vielleicht finde nur ich es auf Effekt konstruiert, weil ich vorher nicht genau gelesen habe.
Ob das mit dem Brief am Ende tatsächlich so funktioniert … Ich weiß nicht.
Ich denke rasch nach und antworte: »Kann Mister Allen Russ um 7:20 Uhr bei Erin absetzen?«
Auf diese Weise kann ich um sieben bei Erin sein und 20 Minuten mit ihr allein verbringen. Dazu muss ich zwar ein bisschen früher aufstehen als bisher, aber das macht mir nichts aus. (Seite 46)
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Öhm, erstaunlich. _Mir_ hätte das was ausgemacht. Sowohl mit 15 als auch mit 16 als auch heutzutage. Dazu schlafe ich morgens zu gern.
Liest sich flüssig weg. Scheint, als wäre das genau die Art Buch, die ich momentan suche.
Die Geschichte erinnert mich ein bisschen an einen Film mit Kevin Spacey, Titel als Spoiler getarnt in den Kommentaren. Zusammen mit Basketball ? ergibt das eine originelle Ausgangssituation, finde ich.
Hier, darum geht‘s:
👉🏼 https://www.dtv.de/buch/matthew-quick-goodbye-bellmont-76122/
Mir ist eingefallen, dass ich ja noch einen Onleihe-Merkzettel habe, auf dem ich mir die Rosinen rauspicken kann, die mir momentan zusagen.
Gesagt, getan.
Bei dem hier fand ich das Cover toll. Und es hat nur knapp 200 Seiten, vielleicht kommt das meinem momentanen, mäkeligen Lese-Ich etwas entgegen. ??♀️
No reading for me today since we are at bball games. My son, Dawson, loves basketball and was asked to sub in for some boys that were on vacation. We said yes because we get all the fun of a tournament without having to pay 😉 Dawson read Boy 21 earlier this year and really liked it. I am always on the look out for good sports books for him 🏀
I came across this book a few years ago while trying to find a gift for the son of someone I knew. I was so taken with it I have since purchased it for a few gifts. #novemberbythenumbers
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️so good🙌 it's always awesome when you were hesitant to start a book cause it doesn't sound that good, but you do it anyway and are pleasantly surprised.
This book was not what I expected, but I like the author so I wanted to give it a try. I ended up really enjoying it!
Wanted to give this a thumbs-up, but my ultimate feeling is a little more on the so-so side. Good story & message, but it didn't really grip me enough to make it a "pick". The underlying meat of the story didn't occur til the end, & I would've liked to have had some more development of that throughout the book as a whole.
Matthew Quick is one of my absolute favorites, period. In Boy21 there is basketball. I really don't know much else to say without getting long-winded because I'm such a big fan of Quick's stories, so I'll just sit this right here and quietly back away lest you all see the fangirl that I truly am.
Have you guys read Matthew Quick? Do you have a favorite?
I love Silver Linings Playbook!
#booksandsports #augustphotochallenge #bookphotochallenge
#day5 of the #augustphotochallenge is a doozy. I'm not a sports fan, and I don't often pick #booksandsports. That said, Boy21 is just fantastic. It's an important one for me personally because it was the first book I recommended as a librarian that the patron came back to tell me how much he enjoyed the book and that he made his mom read it because he loved it so - librarian life goal achieved.