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Confusione | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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il 1942: da quando abbiamo salutato i Cazalet per lultima volta trascorso un anno. I raid aerei e il razionamento del cibo sono sempre al romanzo lordine del giorno, eppure qualcosa comincia a smuoversi: per le giovani Cazalet la lunga attesa finita e finalmente Louise, Polly e Clary fanno il loro ingresso nel mondo. Quella che le aspetta una vita nuova, pi moderna e con libert inedite, soprattutto per le donne. Le cugine si avviano su strade disparate, tutte sospese tra la vecchia morale vittoriana del sacrificio e un costume nuovo, pi disinvolto, in cui le donne lavorano e vivono la loro vita amorosa e sessuale senza troppe complicazioni. Mentre Louise si imbarca in un matrimonio prestigioso ma claustrofobico, sul quale incombe lingombrante presenza della suocera, Polly e Clary lasciano finalmente le mura di Home Place per trasferirsi a Londra e fare i loro primi passi nellagognata et adulta, che si rivela ingarbugliata ma appagante. Per quanto riguarda il resto del clan, fra nascite, perdite, matrimoni che vanno in frantumi e relazioni clandestine che si moltiplicano, i Cazalet vanno avanti a testa alta e labbra serrate, sognando, insieme ai loro amici e ai loro amanti, la fine della guerra: il momento in cui sarebbe iniziata una vita nuova, le famiglie si sarebbero ricongiunte, la democrazia avrebbe prevalso e le ingiustizie sociali sarebbero state sanate in blocco. Ormai ci sembra di conoscerli personalmente, e non possiamo che attendere insieme a loro quel momento. Nel frattempo, godiamoci i colpi di scena di Confusione, che ci lasceranno senza fiato.
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Confusione | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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The 3rd of the Cazalet Chronicles and we follow the family from March 1942 until the end of the war. And boy do a lot of things happen in the family. Several people are trying to find themselves and that ending. I did not expect that

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Confusion (Original) | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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Third in the marvellous Cazalet series runs from 1943 to the end of the war ,focusing primarily on the 3 cousins Louise, Polly + Clary as they move from teenagers into young women and have to manage strange marriages (louise), love + the impact on war. The stories also are intercut with the wider family. This is a great set of books weaving brilliant storytelling with a unique picture of family life. The other 2 bks I found on a charity table.

LeahBergen I really enjoyed The Sea Change. 2y
Ruthiella I‘ve got the whole set on kindle. I‘ve only read the first volume, so far. But definitely good stuff! 2y
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Confusion | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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Back to some comfort reading. I love this series so much. This one was slow and really quite sad. I‘m completely absorbed into the Cazalet family and this one ended on an unexpected cliffhanger. I am very tempted to just go for it and read the final two books back to back. Or to save them and stretch the series out as long as I can? Bookish decisions consume me 🤔

Cathythoughts Lovely review. I‘ve still only read the first book. Good luck with the ‘ bookish decision‘ ❤️ 😁 2y
JillR Thank you @cathythoughts , it‘s worth carrying on if you get chance 😊 2y
LeeRHarry I loved this series 💕😊 2y
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melzen Charming review 2y
MicheleinPhilly I literally just 1-clicked this whole series! 2y
JillR @MicheleinPhilly it‘s so good! 2y
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Confusione | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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Third in her Cazalet Chronicle and Louise, Polly, and Clary are growing up and learning some hard truths about life and love as the war rages on. Wonderful.

merelybookish I read this series recently. This volume and the next were my favourites! 3y
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Confusion | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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The completely captivating Cazalet Chronicles continues in Confusion! (I‘ve always loved alliteration.😁) We‘re in the thick of the war now, and loads more drama and angst ensues. I continue to adore some of the characters, loathe others, & want to smack several of both. Hoping to finish the series by the new year! 🤞

Ruthiella I had to pop over to @merelybookish to make sure you two knew each other! And you DO! 😃 I‘m definitely going to get to this series soon. I have the first book on my e-reader. 3y
LeeRHarry I read this one last month - I think it‘s my favourite of the series so far 😊 3y
MaureenMc @LeeRHarry There‘s a lot of development of the younger generation‘s characters, I think. 3y
MaureenMc @Ruthiella Lol! @merelybookish and I have become the Cazalet Chronicles cheerleaders lately. 🤣 3y
merelybookish @MaureenMc @Ruthiella Yes, we have made 2021 the Year of the Cazalets! 3y
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Confusion (Original) | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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What remains of Hurricane Ida is hitting us today, so perfect excuse to cozy up and finish this. I read/heard the series gets better with each volume, and this was definitely my favourite so far. Set between 1942 and victory in 1945, the lives of the Cazalets, with a particular focus on the three young women (Louise, Polly & Clary), continue to evolve because of/in spite of the war. So good! Now to get my hands on Volume 4!!

Cathythoughts Nice review! I must read the 2d one soon. 3y
merelybookish @Cathythoughts Thanks! Yes, keep going! It's worth it! 3y
Tamra I just ordered the first book in the series - winging its way to me now. I‘m looking forward to it given all of the rave reviews. 😊 3y
merelybookish @Tamra That's exciting! I look forward to hearing what you think! I need to order book 4 so it can wing its way here soon. 😀 3y
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Confusion (Original) | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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The Cazalet Chronicles is top shelf comfort reading! It's like a soap opera written for Masterpiece Theatre. 🙂

shawnmooney I‘ve read her first two novels – not part of this series – and was absolutely gob-smacked by both of them! Hoping to get a start on The Cazalet Chronicles next year! 3y
Tamra I need to check it out! Which is the first title? (edited) 3y
merelybookish @shawnmooney I was turned on to the series by Lucy Scholes (writes for Paris Review) and have been wending my way through the series slowly. It takes me a bit to get into each volume but once I'm in, I'm absorbed! 3y
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merelybookish @Tamra Yes, check it out. First volume is The Light Years.🙂 3y
shawnmooney Her first two books (again, not part of this Cazalet series) are linked 3y
shawnmooney And interesting that the Chronicles seem to be more of a cozy read; her first two novels are anything but - serious literary fiction, right up my alley! 3y
merelybookish @shawnmooney Interesting! I will check them out. I would not say Cazalet is serious literary fiction but the writing is good! Well developed characters and lots of small moments and relationships are captured. 3y
Tamra @merelybookish thank you! 3y
AvidReader25 This series has sat on my TBR for so long! I should check it out. 3y
MaureenMc I‘m here for all the love of the Cazalet Chronicles. 😁 3y
merelybookish @AvidReader25 Definitely worth a try! 3y
merelybookish @MaureenMc I know! 🤗 3y
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Confusion: The Cazalet Chronicles 3 | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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Ast_Arslan Ho il primo in lista, ne vale la pena quindi? 3y
Astroneman @Ast_Arslan Assolutamente si! Descrizioni perfette della vita dell'epoca, famiglia con vizi e virtù. Molte le tematiche toccate: tradimento, guerra, omosessualità, religione. 3y
Ruthiella I own the first book and have heard wonderful things about it! 😀 3y
Ast_Arslan @Astroneman oh, sembra interessante 🤩🤩 3y
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Confusion (Original) | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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Now that I live in the country, I have pear trees...and lots of pears! Time to learn how to make pear jelly. Will be reading Book 3 of the Cazalet Chronicles while I wait for them to ripen. 😅

Hooked_on_books Pears! I bet they‘re wonderful. 😋 3y
Leftcoastzen Nice ! 3y
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MaureenMc I recently started book 2 (Marking Time)! 3y
Suet624 Ooohhhh, so nice! 3y
Tamra Pear sauce!!! 😋 3y
Cathythoughts Oh yum ! I‘ve never had pear jelly & I must get back to this series.. I‘ve read the first one & loved it 3y
merelybookish @MaureenMc How do you like it so far? I find it takes me a bit to get going but then I'm sucked in! 🙂 3y
merelybookish @Cathythoughts My sister has made it so relying on her know-how! This series is good comfort reading! 3y
merelybookish @Tamra I have never had pear sauce before! 3y
Tamra @merelybookish make it just as you would applesauce. Can it or freeze it, but my family gobbles it up so I don‘t have to worry about having too much! 😋 3y
merelybookish @Tamra Sounds delicious and maybe less labour intensive than jelly! 😀 3y
Tamra @merelybookish I‘ve only ever made jam, for the very reason you cited, labor intensive! 😅 But yes, the pear sauce is awesome and easy. I make it in the Instant Pot for speed. I don‘t follow a recipe - just peel pears, chunk, place in pot with 1 C water, cinnamon, vanilla, & brown sugar. When done cooking and still warm sometimes I add butter, but that‘s just icing. 3y
MaureenMc @merelybookish I find it takes me a little bit to get acclimated to her writing style, and then I‘m sucked in. I‘m loving the focus on the teen daughters. 3y
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Confusion (Original) | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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I've been going through the books I've stacked as "want to read" and realized I no longer want to read some of them but I can't figure out how to remove them. Can someone give me some tips?

merelybookish Try tapping on the open book symbol and it should remove it. 5y
bookandbedandtea @merelybookish thank you! 👍 5y
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Confusione | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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