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The Return of Sherlock Holmes
The Return of Sherlock Holmes: detective stories | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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The stories of Holmes and Watson are nothing if not consistently compelling reads.

This was yet another example of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's excellent writing and his ability to weave story and reality together.

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I‘m a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and I love the cover of this 1986 paperback edition.

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Just finished Adventure of the Six Napoleons. Solid read, satisfying conclusion, but nothing too surprising or outstanding.

Richryan52 For what it‘s worth this tale was not one of Doyle‘s favorites. In fact, it didn‘t make his list of top 19. Why 19? No idea 6y
Daisey I actually really liked this one. 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @Richryan52 Well, now I want to know why 19! 6y
Richryan52 Ok. He initially released his top 12 favorite stories and then later in his career added seven more without removing any of the originals 6y
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I‘m a little behind, but I read this one today and wow! It was great. I liked the interplay between Holmes and Watson - nice to see Holmes portrayed as fallible, and more emotional than we tend to credit him in our popular culture. Nice to see Watson flex some muscle. The ending was exciting, with a bit of drama and a bit of action. Top notch.

jpmcwisemorgan I need to post about the more recent stories but I keep getting distracted! I think you‘re point about Holmes being more fallible holds true for these round of stories. 6y
tjwill I agree with you both, @CSeydel and @jpmcwisemorgan. Sherlock is a great character, and he feels more real when we see different sides of him. I enjoyed this one, and seeing him “turn down” a mystery is interesting. 6y
Daisey Agreed! I‘m also enjoying the different sides of Holmes in this collection. 6y
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2nd story, The Adventure of the Norwood Builder. I enjoyed this one more for its humor and the interaction between the characters than the case itself, which was clever but not too surprising in its resolution. I wasn‘t sure what to make of Holmes saying things like “my instincts are all in one direction while the facts are all in the other” — that doesn‘t sound like the calculating master of deduction. Still, an entertaining story.

Mdargusch I never guessed that ending though. I like that each story is short and to the point. 6y
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It's a #sherlocked month! Just about to start The Norwood Builder on this audiobook narrated by David Timson. He's awesome! ☺

@tjwill @Daisey

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Well, that was fun. The case itself was a little unsatisfying, but that‘s sort of to be expected, since the purpose of the story was clearly to explain how Sherlock survived and where he has been all this time. (Oops. Is that a spoiler? Can a century-old story still be spoiled? 🤔)

Looking forward to the next adventure!

jpmcwisemorgan I think, at this point, if people don‘t know that Sherlock “died” then it‘s not a spoiler. 6y
CSeydel @jpmcwisemorgan Mostly joking 😉 But I actually wasn‘t sure how many people knew he came back. 6y
Dragon I think the title gives it away😂 6y
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jpmcwisemorgan @CSeydel I figured as much and you‘d think by now people would know but there‘s probably someone out there who would be upset they were “spoiled”. I‘m in a few groups on FB for authors I like and there‘s usually a spoiler thread for new releases but every once in awhile someone will get upset because there was a post about a book from a year or more ago. I‘m more, it‘s been out for 6 months, there are no spoilers now. I give movies two weeks. 6y
zembla I also wondered but eventually decided not to mark mine as a spoiler! Naturally he returns in the book called The Return of Sherlock Holmes, but someone might not expect him to pop up in the very first story. 6y
Daisey I‘m with @Dragon that it‘s pretty much ch a given from the book title. I thought it made for an amusing comment in your original post, @CSeydel. 6y
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'It was droning like a harmonium with the flies and bluebottles, and the floor and walls were like a slaughter-house. [...] Right through his broad breast a steel harpoon had been driven, and it had sunk deep into the wood of the wall behind him. He was pinned like a beetle on a card.'
The Adventure of Black Peter: #mostGruesomeCrimeScene for a Sherlock Holmes story maybe?

#litsyclassics @Sarah83 @Bambolina_81

Sarah83 How many editions do you have? 😍😁 6y
PickwickPlockPlock Not enough 😄 6y
Sarah83 Can you have enough? No, but really how many do you have? 6y
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PickwickPlockPlock @Sarah83 The german one I posted, this Penguin, the Bering-Gould Annotated Sherlock Holmes, the Leslie Klinger Annotated Novels (only just arrived, not read yet), and the rest of the Klinger should arrive in a few weeks. 6y
PickwickPlockPlock @Sarah83 plus the ebooks, and plenty of pastiches and a few non-fiction. 6y
Sarah83 Leslie Klinger? Is this the three parted edition? 6y
Sarah83 😯🤤 6y
PickwickPlockPlock @Sarah83 I'll post pictures when the other two have arrived. 6y
Sarah83 Will wait for it 😏 6y
PickwickPlockPlock Baring-Gould, of course. I need sleep. 6y
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Ooh, I‘m looking forward to this read-along. Reposted from @tjwill via @LitsyHappenings — head over there for details! #sherlocked

tjwill Thanks for sharing! We are glad you are joining us! 6y
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Sherlockians! @tjwill & @Daisey are hosting a #Sherlocked buddy read. Check out their original post for all the deets!

Daisey Glad you'll be joining us! 6y
tjwill Thanks for sharing! 6y
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Almost done with this whole book, it‘s been enjoyable!

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#workaholic indeed! The man never stopped.. as long as it was an interesting case. #jubilantjuly #sherlocked #sherlockholmes #collection #somanybooks

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#cocaine Drug use seemed to be a big part of the life of Sherlock Holmes. This feature of the book really surprised, and disappointed me. I expected better from Sherlock!

Cinfhen I was also blown away by that tidbit! It seemed so out of character...wonder if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had his own addiction?!??! 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen It does make you wonder. Not only out of character but you imagine it a modern problem. It is my least favourite aspect of the book. 7y
Moray_Reads There's some really interesting stuff on Holmes (and Conan Doyle) and cocaine. Holmes' dosage would have been totally legal and available over the counter at the time. Apparently Watson's serious disapproval was relatively unusual at this date suggesting ACD also had reservations about the drug, maybe from personal experience or just professional observation 7y
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Andrew65 @Moray_Reads That's a good point, given ACD's medical background he could have been trying to convey a message based on his experiences. 7y
Moray_Reads @Andrew65 Holmes definitely considers it stimulating but Watson is pretty vehement that he's actually risking his great mind. It's pretty interesting when contrasted with the universal disgust of opium dens and users at the same time even in the Holmes stories 7y
Andrew65 @Moray_Reads It does seem rather double standards by Holmes. Holmes does feel as he needs it but almost at times when he is bored(!) possibly and therefore needs his mind stimulating. I also find it surprising that these elements are in the story but you give a good rationale as to why that may be the case. 7y
Moray_Reads @Andrew65 I've been I complete Holmes nerd for so many years now, sometimes it all comes blurting out 😂 7y
Andrew65 @Moray_Reads Lol! I am re-reading the books, having been 30+ years since I last read them. 7y
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Another very enjoyable book in the Sherlock Holmes Series. Whilst I enjoy the longer Sherlock Holmes books more than his short stories, I do love the reveal section of these short stories where the logic he brought to bear on the problem is explained to Dr Watson and others. Also some good codes in some of the short stories, which were very enjoyable when explained.

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The jokes in my Christmas cracker are TERRIBLE.

Louise Anything else would not be true to Christmas cracker-dom! 😂 8y
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Conan Doyle phoning it in after Reichenbach. Still fun, but not AS fun as the earlier stories. I'll probably come back to it later.

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Definitely scored in the free book department! Slowly making my way through all of Holmes and loving it!

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