My #top10ofthedecade #nonfictionedition 12, because again, I cheat.
My Top Six books of .5(2019)
I am a SUPER eclectic reader, obviously. 😂
Amazing. So even if you're Charlotte Bronte and have written one of the greatest proto feminist works of literature, you still have to be hot.
One Brontësaurus, two Brontësauruses!
Such a treat! The appendix, “Jane Eyre Abbreviated” by John Crace (who does The Guardian‘s Digested Read) is a scream. Extra twenty points just for including that. ?
I started reading bits and pieces of this book to fact-check the similarities between the characters of Caroline and Shirley with the real life Anne and Emily Brontë (in Charlotte‘s novel, Shirley) ... and now I can‘t stop. This alphabetical look at Brontë lore is erudite and witty and an absolute delight.
A collection of short essays about the Brontë family and their history. This was enjoyable and educational, and a very fast read after finishing Jane Eyre recently. If you love the Brontë‘s this one is for you!
Book mail!
How about that title? 😆
I was excited to pick this up from the library today! Somehow I thought a book with this title would be very large, but it is agreeably small. UPDATE: Finally reading this. It's great -- erudite, wide-ranging and very funny.