This movie was my security blanket/comfort food well into my 20s. Now I get to share it with my kids. I‘ve never thought of it as spiritual but the author makes some very interesting points.
This movie was my security blanket/comfort food well into my 20s. Now I get to share it with my kids. I‘ve never thought of it as spiritual but the author makes some very interesting points.
So never read a Buddhist book? Love the Princess Bride?Ethan is a teacher in the Shambhala tradition whose obsession with the film leads him to extract lessons that can better relationships and help one be more centered and mindful. He gets extra points for using the word “schadenfreude” in the text.Playful and informative.
I put all the entries from the #FALLSTACK giveaway into the random name generator and @NCNY won! Thanks to everyone who participated. 🎉📚😘
WOOOOOOOOO it's the weekend, seems like a good time for a GIVEAWAY! Here's how to enter: make a NEW post about where you like to read. (Comfy chair, hammock, etc.) Then tag me in the photo, and use the hashtag #FALLSTACK. Do this by 9pm EST, Monday, Sept. 4, and I'll pick one random Litten and mail them all these books. (Open to everyone.) Good luck! 🎉