What all my reading consists of lately.... #teachersoflitsy #lessonplanningtillidie #lessonplansallday #allworkandnoplay
What all my reading consists of lately.... #teachersoflitsy #lessonplanningtillidie #lessonplansallday #allworkandnoplay
Current view from the corner of the cafeteria where I have taken refuge after a mob of seventh graders took over my classroom (during my free double block!). Sigh. #TeachersofLitsy (PS now a mob of noisy pre-schoolers and their teachers have invaded the cafeteria! All peace and quiet gone! 😖😖😖)
When lesson planning takes over your reading time 😱😱😱 #teachersofLitsy
So much for me trying to work on my lesson plans...😑😸😽
#MyBrat #TookeyToles #LittenKitten #CatsofLitsy #TeachersofLitsy #TheStruggleIsReal