Should have put a ring holder on my Kindle sooner! So much more comfortable when reading in bed.
I made these stickers and am happy with how they turned out 😊
Should have put a ring holder on my Kindle sooner! So much more comfortable when reading in bed.
I made these stickers and am happy with how they turned out 😊
#3books I‘ve read in a day
This was more difficult than expected. There are several books I‘ve almost finished in one day, but then I get interrupted right as I‘m nearing the end and have to put it down until the next day. But after a little hunting through my read list, I think I‘ve managed to find a few that I actually did finish in one day, so here they are. All great books too. 😊
So I loved Borne (just got through with it last night), so I had to go today and get this one. This is the 2nd in the Borne storyline. I already have the 3rd book , Dead Astronauts, waiting for me on my reading side table!
So beautifully sad. Following the mutations of this strange bird was an emotional roller coaster of hope and dismay. Vandermeer captures the dreamlike worlds in his non human fantastical creatures like no one I know. Currently reading Bourne because the strange bird comes from that world, I like it, but I love The Strange Bird.
Only three books finished this month, but I‘ve read about half of The Wise Man‘s Fear and Friday Black this month too, so that‘s still a good amount for me. 😊
Total books read: 3
Ebooks: 2
Physical books: 1
Borrowed: 2
#booked2019: 0
#seriesread: 1
Average rating: 3.83 stars
#FebruaryStats #FebruaryWrapUp
Such a beautiful and sad little book. 😢❤️ I had mixed feelings about Borne when I read it, so I was afraid I would end up disliking this. I really liked it though and I think it makes a nice addition to the Borne universe. I think it could stand okay on its own, but if you have any desire to read Borne, I would suggest reading Borne first since parts of The Strange Bird overlap with some spoilery parts of Borne.
#catsoflitsy #Phoenix
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ !!!!
Oh my GOODNESS. This book... Takes you on such a journey that just made me cry one too many times considering it isn't a very long novel to begin with.
Highly, highly recommend if you have read Borne also by Jeff Vandermeer (also one of my all time favorite books. Seriously. If you're into Weird New fiction read it) but this novella is great as a stand alone too!
Brb, looking for a new tissue box. Favorite book of 2019 🤘
Weird, beautiful, and heartbreaking. As only VanderMeer can do.
Sequel novella to Borne.
Not overly enthused by this one either.
Imaginative stuff though.
Awesome, painful, beautiful. I haven't read Borne yet, but this pushes it up my list. Started listening to this thinking it was Borne, and am glad I didn't read the summary on Litsy.
Zeller's reading was excellent as well.
Hope on a thread.
Came home from work tonight and this was delivered & waiting for me. The Strange Bird is a companion novella to Jeff Vandermeer's book, Borne, which I absolutely loved so I'm pretty excited to dig in! 🕺
More from VanderMeer‘s world of Borne! This adds a chapter to Borne from a different creature‘s perspective. I do think you need to read Borne first. I kind of wish I had read it on paper instead of audio—the narrator had a tortured tone that was a bit much for me at times. There isn‘t quite the level of mystery and tension I felt here as I did with Borne, but it‘s a great expansion of this imaginative setting.
My love for these books is as big as a bear several stories tall. 🐻💚📚
This is a mini story set in the world Bourne takes place in. You meet Mord the Bear and The Magician. It is told from a manufactured bird's perspective. Short, sweet, and a good read. It isn't essential, but it is a fun addition to Bourne.
Wow. I am blown away by how beautiful and atmospheric this was. I truly felt the despair and it makes you venture into the madness with this bird-seriously had left me feeling anxious multiple times throughout the book.
This is a side story to Jeff VanderMeer's story Borne. You follow The Strange Bird in this novella; however, past characters like The Magician and Wick show up as well.
I received a copy through Netgalley for an honest opinion