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Alternative Energy For Dummies
Alternative Energy For Dummies | Rik DeGunther
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Get the truth about alternative energy and make it part of your life Want to utilize cleaner, greener types of energy? This plain-English guide clearly explains the popular forms of alternative energy that you can use in your home, your car, and more. Separating myth from fact, this resource explores the current fossil fuel conundrum, the benefits of alternatives, and the energy of the future, such as hydrogen and fuel cell technology. The ABCs of alternative energy — what it is, how it works, and what the real costs are Where we are now — learn where our current energy comes from and how much longer it will last Take the first step — see how energy efficiency and conservation can reduce your reliance on fossil fuels Grasp the alternatives — from nuclear power to geothermal energy to wood burning, understand the benefits that alternative energy can have on the nation Apply alternative fuels to transportation — from biofuels to exotic propulsion to electricity, see how they are best used and how hybrid, all-electric, and fuel cell–powered vehicles work Get a peek into the future — see what the outlook holds for each form of alternative energy discussed Open the book and find: The pros and cons of alternative energy A review of the current world energy economy The problems with fossil fuels, from smog to global warming Advantages of alternative energy Practical results of alternatives you can use in daily life Guidelines for investing in alternative energy vehicles Ten ways you can bring about change right now Insight into the future of energy production — and how you can invest in it
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I‘m a proponent of #alternative energy sources but I‘m using this book to highlight a couple of reading format #alternatives - audiobooks and @SerialReader - I recommend both. I like audiobooks when I‘m doing things like chores and the Serial Reader app is a great way to read the classics in short chunks. Now you can‘t say you‘re too busy to read! #30daysofreadathon

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On the one hand, I guess I'm glad we didn't get old, dirty coal-powered trash cans in town. On the other hand I can't quite figure out why the new trash cans downtown need a power source at all.

8little_paws Don't they have trash compactors inside? 7y
OrangeMooseReads I was just going ask that @8little_paws 7y
Yossarian @8little_paws I don't know. The cans don't explain. I haven't heard them making any noise, though. Also, can you compact mixed recycling and still recycle it when you're done? I'd think it'd be too crushed together. 7y
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That-Bookish-Hiker We have those in Downtown Portland and they are compactors. 7y
Yossarian @8little_paws @OrangeMooseReads @That-Bookish-Hiker So is a solar powered recycling bin that crushes your paper into your plastic more energy efficient than a non-powered recycling bin that just sits there until it is picked up by the recycling truck (which probably has its own compactor in it). 7y
kibe Well, you have to take into account the recycling truck has to do collections less if it gets compacted in bin too. But how less frequent? 7y
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