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Queen of Hearts
Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
8 posts | 28 read | 7 to read
"Downton Abbey" fans will rejoice for Lady Georgiana Rannoch, thirty-fifth in line for the British throne, who s off to Hollywood, where she must reprise her role as sleuth My mother, the glamorous and much-married actress, is hearing wedding bells once again which is why she must hop across the pond for a quickie divorce in Reno. To offer my moral support, and since all expenses are paid by her new hubby-to-be, Max, I agree to make the voyage with her. Crossing the Atlantic, with adventure in the air and wealthy men aboard, Mother meets movie mogul Cy Goldman who insists on casting her in his next picture. Meanwhile, I find myself caught up in the secret investigation of a suspected jewel thief. Lucky for me, the lead investigator happens to be my dashing beau, Darcy! Mother s movie and Darcy s larceny lead everyone to Cy s Hollywood home, where the likes of Charlie Chaplin are hanging about and there s enough romantic intrigue to fill a double feature. But we hardly get a chance to work out the sleeping arrangements before Cy turns up dead. As if there wasn t enough drama already "
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Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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Eggs Love the Rhys Bowen covers ❤️🤍❤️ 3y
Sophronisba These books are so much fun! 3y
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Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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I‘m on book 8 in my #audiobook reread of the Royal Spyness series. This is not one of my favorites. Georgie & company sail to America in this one, & imo the author doesn‘t quite know how to write American characters. Too many stereotypes imo. Also, the narrator, whom I usually love, was not great with her American accent & it kinda took me out of the story. Overall, not great, not terrible. Will still continue with the series! 3⭐️


Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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2020 #47

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Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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Q is a tough one!
📚Queen of Hearts from the Her Royal Spyness series
🤷‍♀️I‘ve got nothing here. No Q authors on any of my lists.
🎥 The Queen
🌮 Quesadillas

JoScho Q was tough! Thanks for playing 😊🖤 6y
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Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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I adore this series, but book 8 was just ok. This time, Georgie and her mom ended up in Hollywood, with all of the usual supporting characters conveniently showing up. Since they weren‘t in the U.K. for this one it lost a bit of its charm. And I‘m getting doubly frustrated that Georgie and Darcy haven‘t done the deed yet! 😆 Still, looking forward to the next book in the series. 3.5⭐️


Crazeedi I read the first 3, kinda lost interest, the writing seemed too much the same or something. Maybe I should try book 4 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Crazeedi yes, books 4 through 6 are really good, especially 5 and 6! 6y
Crazeedi Thanks for the info, I'll read them 6y
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Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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Happy Valentine‘s Day ❤️ #hearts #riotgrams

Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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Late night audiobooking and knitting. #knittersoflitsy

EvieBee Just lovely! What‘s it going to be? 7y
AlaMich What are you making? 7y
EvieBee Nice!! 7y
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Queen of Hearts | Rhys Bowen
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I was really hoping had seen the last of Queenie but alas no she's a bad penny. I find her character annoying. It's the depression, she's incompetent, makes no effort to improve and yet doesn't get that Georgie is just too soft hearted to give her the sack. As for the mystery I guessed the identity of jewel thief. Ends with Belinda lending Georgie her cottage for time being. Perhaps next book Geogie & Darcy will do the deed.