My current listen!
What the What? How did I not know this was coming?!? I can't wait. Tagging my #creaturefeature lovers @TK421 @Avanders @BethM @Bklover
I think it may only be in Kindle.
Finally getting some reading in during my long work days! Please excuse the cover, my cat decided it would make a nice snack. Some days archaeology jobs are just a lot of sitting around waiting.
I have to admit that I liked this way more than I thought I would. I really enjoy listening to the MEG series, and the main character from The Loch makes an appearance in MEG: Nightstalkers. So I decided to give this a try, and I'm happy I did! This was easily as good as MEG. Steve Alten knows how to write creature suspense, and how to back it up with scientific reasoning. Zachary Wallace is a likeable character, and conspiracy theories abound!
Thanks @Samplergal , just the motivation I needed to finish the tagged book and to really dive into Renegades!! Can anyone recommend a good tracker app to help?? Thanks!! #13inthree
Thank you @Syndelle777 for starting #whatchareadingwednesdays I love this idea!!
Currently I am listening to The Loch on audio, reading Renegades in hardcover and LumberJanes issue 30 on my kindle. The Loch is reallllly holding my interest and it‘s absolutely stunning, so I‘ve been lagging in reading the other two!
I actually liked this book better than Meg. The writing was a little better and the characters are a little more likable. I don‘t necessarily believe in it but I‘ve always found cryptozoology interesting and I liked that this book used science to explain the myth of the Loch Ness monster🐉🐉🐉🐉/5
#currentlyreading I find Alten‘s writing to be a bit sexist and I‘m absolutely terrified of large creatures inhabiting deep water but I still enjoy a good monster story so I‘m giving this one a try🐉 #bookandbreakfast #pennywiseiswatching
@Captivatedbybooks I thought this book should have the bookmark with shells that you gave me for #keychainswap.
I‘m liking the story of this book so far; but the constant casual #sexism is hard to swallow. I really hope it is a character flaw of the main character, and not the attitude of this author in general.
I‘m sitting in a hospital walk in right now. Work made me leave because it looks like I might have pink eye.
My very favorite thing that I have ever #audiocolor (ed) I‘m not a very good drawer but I think for the first thing I‘ve ever painted, not using my fingers, it turned out cute. It was a lot of fun!! Also loving the Scottish accent in this book!! Swoon! 🐙🐙
I wish I didn‘t have to go to work on this cold rainy Saturday. It‘s a perfect day to start this one. Well, the sooner I go, the sooner I can come home.
I was OBSESSED with Nessie as a kid.
From my Audible wishlist... this book is set at Loch Ness, which is of course in the #highlands 😃
Has anyone read it? Thoughts?
What to do on a Saturday night? Hmmmm....
Why of course! Go to BAM and buy a book about Loch Ness.
I went for The Meg, but they didn‘t have it; not even a Jason Statham movie tie in version.
A full review will be available on my blog brutalbookworm.blogspot.com but I will say I really enjoyed this book. That being said I'm pretty sure I will love everything Mr. Alten writes.
The JAWS of Loch Ness! Fast paced and fun! Looking forward to starting in on the sequel!