Nonononono this feels like Sirius Black falling through the Veil. I do not accept this turn of events and need Call to start channeling Constantine to undo it! 😭
Nonononono this feels like Sirius Black falling through the Veil. I do not accept this turn of events and need Call to start channeling Constantine to undo it! 😭
I'm not sure I like where this series is headed. I want to like my main characters, and I want to know that once I've invested time and emotion in them that I won't be left frustrated. I'm not sure that's the case here. But I'll keep reading. 2 to go. #35-2023
Still reading the rest of this series even though it‘s a bit on the Y side of YA. This 3rd book had a bit of a surprise twist at the end. Nice.
Dinner over & cleaned up, pj‘s on, and back to it! @24in48 (Gratuitous #scoutandclete shot for you guys!) #24in48
I think I'm obsessed with Cassandra Clare's #CoolCovers. Here's the covers for the Magisterium series. Currently reading Bronze Key. Can't wait for the last book- Golden Tower!
#Magisterium #CassandraClare #HollyBlack #CallumHunt #CoverLove
#ReadingResolutions @Jess7
Began reading this with my youngest tutoring student today. We are enjoying the series immensely.
Ik had ondertussen wel wat meer diepgang verwacht. Het boek had zo zijn toffe punten, naar slaat qua uitwerking en wereldopbouw de plank mis. ⭐
#bookblogger #booklover #booknerd #nevernotreading #bookstagram #instabook #book #reading #youngadult
Leuk derde deel, maar er gebeurde niet heeeeel veel en het voelde aan als een tussendeel. Ben wel benieuwd naar het vervolg!
I have really enjoyed this middle grade fantasy series. Love the world and the characters these two authors put together. #audiobook of the day
These books are fun adventures with interesting twists and accessible writing, and book three was no different. The cliffhanger at the end has me waiting for the next book in October. #bookbingo #roguebookbingo #bookwithacolorinthetitle
I'm really loving this story! A bit like Harry Potter but in its own way! Dark, mysterious and hard to put down!
"Uno di voi fallirà. Uno di voi morirà. E uno di voi è già morto."
I really enjoyed the way The Iron Trial and The Copper Gauntlet played with the conventions of the magic school setting and the Chosen One trope. Seeing less of that in this third installment, and also found the ending a bit overwrought.
Full review: goo.gl/yaYSlS
Finished this audio and really enjoyed. The only problem I had was ending seemed rushed. But Cassandra Clare (and Holly Black) managed to hurt my heart again... 😁😭😔😊💖
Im Moment lese ich diese beiden Bücher und ich finde sie echt total toll?.
??At The Moment i Read this two Books!
I like she????
Good morning and happy Monday! 🌅
I can't believe it's the start of a new week already - where has the weekend gone?! 🤔 Hope you have a great week and enjoy some good books. ☺️📚
Got into this series expecting a nice, coming of age story with magic. Am now thoroughly heart broken and yet eagerly awaiting the next book.
It's been a long week and I need some guaranteed awesome. ❤️ this series.
As the characters grow up, so does the tone of the series. The Bronze Key is darker than The Copper Gauntlet—although perhaps less creepy—and the ending? Well, Chekhov's gun went off.
Why do all the good books come out in the fall? That's a lot of damage to inflict in only a couple of months.