⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love the characters in this series. I still don‘t understand why the Empire is at war in the first place but I‘m enjoying the story too much to care, lol 😆
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love the characters in this series. I still don‘t understand why the Empire is at war in the first place but I‘m enjoying the story too much to care, lol 😆
It should be illegal for authors to end on a cliffhanger. With that being said, I am reading this series for the magic and the romance. I loved this book however for the action and the friendships. #kindle #kindleunlimited #yafantasy #fantasy
"even something very small can cast a large shadow when it's close to the sun."
Oh. My. 😳! That ending!! I cannot even imagine if it ended like this and I wasn't able to immediately read the next book to see what happens. Authors can be so cruel to us 😫
I don't know why I waited so long to read this. This series is so dang good! Now on to the 3rd book!
“Let them say something,” Aldrik ground out through a clenched jaw. “Let one person say something and give me a reason to burn it all.”
I got chills after reading that part. He‘s the Fire Lord for a reason. A very powerful reason. 🔥
Even better than the first! Aldrik continues to be the most lovable jerk and Vhalla is finding her spine. I love seeing their development and their tension jumps off the page!
Elise Kova is among my new favorite authors and Vhalla my new favorite characters.
“Titles were more than just words. They were walls and barriers and parapets to lift up some and keep others out.”
These books have realistic characters, villains and growth. Because sometimes the villain isn‘t the people you‘re going to war against, sometimes it‘s the man leading you to war.
Woot woot! Trash for this series. Now the plan was to pick up A Curse So Dark and Lonely next but... *Smirks seeing A Dangerous Collaboration* we going back to Veronica Speedwell
We went to a play this afternoon, so I'm counting it as a read! It was really fun! I've also managed about 25% of Fire Falling so far. Now off to dinner with my Mom and hopefully more reading after! #deweysreadathon #deweys24hourreadathon #readathon @deweysreadathon
It's the for Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon! #readathon #deweys24hourreadathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon
"The woman sitting in the saddle now had to find a heart crafted of black steel. She had to survive if for no other reason than to spite the world."
A girl after my own heart.
Book two is done. Major cliffhanger with a big WTF?? Glad I have the third book to read or I would be majorly pissed. Such a good story.
Cool! Thanks for ripping my heart out Kova...or should I call you Maas?! Why do so many authors take such pleasure in ending books that break readers hearts?! How dare you! Now I have to start Earth's End because I definitely know what the plot will be about now! 🤤🤤🤤🤤😲😲😲😖😖😖😭😭😭😱😱😱😵😵😵😨😨😨
"I don't think he worries for his sanity or his mortality. He doesn't want you to die because he's afraid that it would mean he'd have to live without you".
The beginning and end were fantastic but the middle seemed to stop completely for their pointless romance that honestly makes no sense in the story's context.
Dispute that horrible cliff hanger I loved this book and can tell it's going to be a great series. The characters are all really loveable while still being different from each other. The plot was fun and fast paced while still making you nervous knowing that someone will die. Can't wait for book 3!
Okay. If you are into YA/fiction books this is definitely a must pick! I just every minute reading this. With all the elements control thing, I can't help indulge myself more of it! ❤️
I thought that this book was better than the first. It had me turning the pages, needing to know what happened next. There was character progression, romance, turmoil, politics, and more. Loved it and gave it 4.5/5 stars.