“If not you, who else?”
I enjoyed this fun YA story, it reminded me of The Last Starfighter. What if your game aliens weren‘t just in your game, but actually real & searching for help! Plus with Pratchett there‘s always an underlining meaning, think before you automatically push that fire button, just because it‘s what you are supposed to do, doesn‘t mean you should do it!
#PratchettPosse #OokBOokClub
#SeriesRead @TheSpineView
The introduction alone...explaining the story that is now a bit dated, made me smile. So sadly true! 🙈😱😂
Book I‘m looking forward to reading throughout the September #24B4Monday readathon.
Meh. Definitely NOT my favorite Pratchett. I'm chalking this up to it being dated, because there were several cringe inducing moments. This is the September book for the #OokBOokClub, though, so I'll save more of my comments for that discussion :-)
#pratchettposse #terrypratchett #epicbuddyread
Well I did it. I finished it. Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. And when you're stuck on a train for over an hour.
It was a really enjoyable story. Terry Pratchett is witty and clever as always.
Still no idea why I found it so hard to get through though.
"Humans seemed much better at ideas. They always seemed to be on the verge of being totally insane, but it seemed to work for them. The inside of their heads would be an interesting place to visit but she wouldn't want to live there" - pg 134
Shiny new book related social media? Colour me intrigued and let me play!
I've been picking at this book for ages. Not sure why as I usually devour TP books. I am enjoying it, but I'm not reading pages and pages like I usually do.
But I am determined to finish it! I'm 3/4 through. Lets use this train journey wisely!
#commutingbibliophile #trainreads #terrypratchett
Stack 'em up! I've got all but six of my Spring 2017 TBR here. Hmm... where do I want to start?