A very short read up next on #kindle
Amazon Original not on Litsy database.
A very short read up next on #kindle
Amazon Original not on Litsy database.
Kevin Hart does not shy away from the truth in this revealing memoir about his life. He turns his experiences into a book of pat advice. I listened to this on audio and enjoyed his humor and suspect that he added quite a bit of content while recording. I‘d recommend for fans of his, but be prepared to learn some ugly history you may not have known. The good thing is, he admits a the mistakes and doesn‘t make excuses. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 ❤️📚
3✨ If there is one thing that I got from this book, it is never give up. Mr Hart was not an overnight success. He struggled in his everyday life and not being what people were looking for in a comedian. It took a long time from him to learn what would work for him and what he wanted for his career. He makes this book hilarious of course, and his audiobook is read by him to make it even better.
These two are old enough to get neutered and adopted! Fostering is silly… how do you not adopt them. 😅 Catrat and Gandalf the Grey 🥰💛 #CatsofLitsy Plus I‘m going to try to finish the tagged today and maybe my #OUABC book: Under the Tamarind Tree
Brilliant! It‘s an honest, warts and all, peek into the man behind the jokes. He made me laugh out loud through much of the book but told his story in such a way as to make the reader feel his struggle at the same time. I highly recommend this book to Kevin Hart fans.
1. Tagged! I really enjoyed this audiobook.
2. No challenges, but I do an Autumn book swap with my cousin in Japan.
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
Loved listening to this! Would love to compare it to the book and see how much he has ad-libbed in the audio! Very funny guy with a huge dollop of determination ... this book was recommended to me after I had enjoyed Becoming, wasn‘t sure it would be comparable but it certainly is for inspirational listening!
Via audible. I enjoyed this one! Lots of motivation and positivity throughout!
The Biography of Kevin Hart was good. I have a whole new respect for him and his determination to be a star.
I loved this book. I listened to the audio book. Kevin Hart reads it. 😂 😂 He has been through a lot of crazy shit in his life. Wow he's amazing and reading his own story just makes it so much more enjoyable.
I confess...I can‘t stick with one book from start to finish, I have to switch things up. So am constantly reading multiple books at the same time.
Just suffered the first 31 chapters of Kevin Hart‘s book (Each chapter is super short and that‘s only 1/4th of the book) and things are finally looking up!
And, got myself more books...There‘s too much to read and too little time, between work, play, and hustle! 🥺
This was the perfect type of book in that I had that conflict in which I didn't want it to end, but couldn't put it down either. More than a mere collection of funny stories, this is also a serious book about an incredibly driven man with an insane work ethic and an almost inhuman level of positivity and perseverance.
Struggling when you're going somewhere is exciting. Struggling when you're not getting anywhere is challenging. But struggling when you're going backward is hell.
Humble brag:
After my reading session this evening and finishing this book, I also completed my first yearly goal in Bookly just over three months early!!
I reset the next one to track my last ten books for the year and I have the next five of those ten picked out!!
So if any of you do read this book, I‘d highly recommend the audio as a companion as you read, it‘s got some serious adult, crude and inappropriate humor, but if you can get past that it enhances the experience. I‘ve always loved Kevin‘s comedy. I have that sarcastic, slapstick driven taste in comedy and Kevin is all about that. This book was both hilarious and insightful and gave me a more complete view of who I know Kevin Hart to be.
When you look back on your life, it should mean something. You should be able to say, “Wow, I made an impact on the world when I was there.” And you don‘t create change by being comfortable.
In this world, there is nothing but life lessons. Pay attention to them and the world will open itself up to you.
Every experience you have you have is a gift created to teach you a lesson. If you learn and implement that lesson in your life, then you get to receive the next gift.
Know that your patience will always be tested, and if you can pass that test, you will be tested again and again, until the rare few left standing reap the rewards.
Patience is understanding that your moment will come at the right time, and your job is to get ready for that moment.
Let yourself be driven by your will to succeed rather than your fear of not succeeding.
If you don‘t believe in your own greatness, no one else will. You‘re limited only by your doubts, your fears, and your desire to fit in rather than stand out.
Everybody wants success in something, whether it‘s in work, love, play, finances, family or an inner struggle. But success doesn‘t come instantly. Life has a process of rejecting you to test you and prepare you to win.
If life is a struggle, then struggle. If you get rejected, get rejected again. If your dreams are smashed, keep dreaming. Just keep your eyes on the prize—and always remember that you have to fail to win.
What‘s harder than achieving success is achieving consistent success. But what‘s even harder than achieving consistent success is achieving consistently bigger successes.
If people are saying critical things about you, it means you‘re worth talking about.
A few people have a snake on their back that you can see, but most people with a snake have one that you can‘t see. Shit can go bad at any time for any reason.
When you mourn, when you hurt, when someone you love—or everyone you love—passes, it may feel like a void has opened up in your universe. But in the universe, energy can never be destroyed.
Life is not about the result—we all have the same outcome in the end. Life is about the effort you put into it.
All you can do is play the odds. If you choose to give up, you can be fairly certain that life will pass you by. But if you choose to try your best, you can at least tip the balance significantly in your favor.
Struggling when you‘re going somewhere is exciting. Struggling when you‘re not getting anywhere is challenging. But struggling when you‘re going backwards is hell.
Though people say to live in the moment, each moment leads to other moments. So treat each moment like a seed, and care for it so that something beautiful can grow from it.
Every experience is a potential life lesson. Even if you don‘t appreciate it at the time, each struggle in the present is preparing you for something else in the future.
“If you ever hear the words no and can‘t, ignore them. They don‘t exist. Don‘t let them get in the way of the goals you need to accomplish.”
Kaboom #2 to end my reading session for the night!! 💥💣💥💣💥