Romance isn‘t in my wheelhouse, but I thought I‘d give this a whirl.
Romance isn‘t in my wheelhouse, but I thought I‘d give this a whirl.
Ahh! This book totally wrecked me! I cried huge, no MASSIVE tears by the end of it! This was such a heartfelt, faith-filled, and touching book. Becky did a great job with all of the characters, their stories, and their overall growth throughout the novel. This book was fantastically written and definitely has me pumped for the follow-up books! Definitely recommend to anyone who loves contemporary romances, Navy SEALS, and quirky heroines. 😉
Just bought three books when I really shouldn't have spent the money. 😂😂😂
Absolutely loved it! Excuse me while is gush over this book! I don't typically read contemporary romance, but this book was perfection! Becky Wade's writing is flawless! I loved the story, the characters were so relatable, and that cover is stunning! All the love for this one! Bringingupbooks.wordpress.com #truetoyou #beckywade #bethanyhouse #contemporaryromance #newbookreview #checkitout
This book was perfection! From the gorgeous cover to the pages inside! Loved it! Honestly the first contemporary romance I have read that I have loved! I'm usually a historical girl, but this book had an interesting plot, characters I loved, and a few surprises hidden in the pages! This was a library check out but I'm buying this one bc it was that good! #beckywade #contemporaryromance #truetoyou #christianfiction
Seems like Nora and I would be good friends 😂📚❤️ #fictionfriends #norabradford #beckywade #truetoyou #contemporaryromance #bookquotes
With her love of books, period dramas, and tea, Nora Bradford definitely felt like a #KindredSpirit. #Characters2017
To start her Bradford Sisters series, Becky Wade tells a story that tackles a number of tough personal and spiritual issues and incorporates chemistry-filled, healthy romance between well-developed, relatable characters. It's definitely one of my favorites so far this year. #AllTheSingleLadies #JuneBookBugs (I received a free copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.)
Loved, loved, loved this book! So full of complex, likable characters (quirky researchers and swoons, ex-Navy SEAL) and romance, faith, and jaw-dropping twists. A must read!
A wonderful novel 💜
Would highly recommend!
This sweet inspirational romance has more depth than you might expect. I loved it! Plus, that's my friend on the cover. Isn't she gorgeous?!
#christianfiction #inspirational #publishinglife #bethanyhouse #truetoyou #beckywade #romantsy
This book is a meandering journey. At the mid-point, I began to wonder what kind of rating I would give this one, I was struggling to pull the pieces of the puzzle together into a collective picture. Wow, am I glad I stuck with it, the twists in the end are awesome and I can now, honestly, say I am hooked on this series, these three interesting ladies and the adventure ahead of our romantic leads. [read more on my blog]
#bookreview #christian
Nora comes from money and tradition, yet lives her life in a way that makes it all seem so simple and right. She is kind, and has a unique blend of past and present. Johns character is the perfect navy man on the surface, but as the book progresses you see a side that makes him more likable. John and Nora's different personal struggles make this novel entertaining, and gives it a depth that makes you want to read it again and again.
Three of my most anticipated May reads! #maybookflowers