I've really enjoyed this continuation of Mara and Noah's story. The last one in this trilogy comes out in the fall and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
I've really enjoyed this continuation of Mara and Noah's story. The last one in this trilogy comes out in the fall and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
And I cut the picture off.....whatever
1. My giant rubber band ball and some supplies at my desk
2. Maybe 5?
3. Mint. Always mint!
4. Ummmm It's been a while 🙄
5. I'd recommend it as something a bit....different in the YA genre, but it has a very heavy suicide TW
#humpdaypost @MinDea
✨I absolutely LOVE the #maradyer trilogy by #michellehodkin so of course I can‘t wait to read #thebecomingofnoahshaw ! 😍 If you‘ve read it, what did you think? I hope I‘m not disappointed! QOTD: What are some of your favorite YA paranormal books?😀✨
While I did enjoy being inside Noah's head, the book didn't really go anywhere. Nothing really happened, and we're pretty much in the same place as when we started. I'll be excited to see what happens next, though!
Hmm, I‘m going to go with “pick” on this one because I‘m happy go see the characters return & interested in seeing where Hodgkin takes the story. This book is really for fans of the first trilogy (makes sense) & not something you can just jump into. It also takes a while to really get going but when it does, it really does. Hodgkin is great at building suspense & keeping the reader guessing. Can‘t say more without spoiling it—it was a fun read.
I enjoyed the Mara Dyer trilogy. I thought the first book was really fun & suspenseful, the second a solid (it maintained the story well) outing & the third, though it veered into the silly, also entertaining. (The teens I know who have read the series all love it.) So, I‘m starting with Noah Shaw because how could I not? And because as soon as the students see it on the shelf, this book will be out and about for a long time (as it should be)!
New books in the library so of course it‘s a preview weekend. Starting with these three.
"The scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most."
no big deal....I am not freaking out or anything 🙃
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I met this author about 6 years ago when the first dyer book was published. She was at a small book fest. The teen with us wanted an autograph, but the author politely refused because it was her Sabbath and she was forbidden from working. (It was a Saturday). But she did take time to answers all our teens questions about her religion. Our teen thought it was a good swap. #coverlove #YAedition
Being inside Noah's head was everything I could have wanted. The entire story is a roller coaster that I should have been prepared for, but I wasn't. And I don't have words for the ending. An amazing addition to Noah and Mara's story.