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The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz
The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz | Mordecai Richler
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A young, likeable Jewish hustler, member of the third generation of a Jewish immigrant family in Montreal, struggles to prosper despite his zany family and, in the process, learns about life. Reprint.
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There it is ,my #whitewhale ! It started when @Cinfhen said she was going to bail on one of her book club books.She just hated it. Well , I mentioned you might be able to cheat & watch the movie..there‘s a movie ?she replied. Funny thing though , a copy was really expensive on Amazon & streaming nowhere.Never found out why . Looking for Xmas gifts for others, I found it!Like George on Seinfeld trying to see VHS of Breakfast at Tiffany‘s for bkclub

Cinfhen What???? You found it!!!!! Funny, we had bookclub last night and we all voted this our worst bookclub read of 2018!!!!! It was unanimous 6y
Cinfhen You gotta tell me how the movie is!!!!!! 6y
Leftcoastzen @Cinfhen I plan to watch it in the next few days,I think I remember I watched it years ago but don‘t remember if I liked it or not.which makes me think I wasn‘t that impressed. 6y
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Cinfhen Well the book was TORTURE!!!! 6y
Leftcoastzen @Cinfhen I‘m watching it but feel I may be unable to give you a review, Richard Dreyfuss is so adorable that‘s all I see.😂 6y
Leftcoastzen @Cinfhen He is not a nice guy, the author wrote the screenplay so there you go! I know I read one of his books years ago and liked it. I‘m guessing it was 6y
Cinfhen Points for Richard Dreyfus but the author, Ugh!!! 6y
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So I told the bookclub ladies I was thinking of bailing... pretty much what I expected ( darn, after Pam‘s text Kendell responded with “Not So Sure”) 😂😂😂😂 I can‘t even find the movie @Leftcoastzen so I‘m definitely hitting up Wikipedia 😉

GatheringBooks this is included in the reader‘s bill of rights: the right to abandon a book! yay to bailing! :) 6y
Sophoclessweetheart 😹😹💛 6y
Cinfhen Love that @GatheringBooks 😍 6y
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Mdargusch Scarlet B! 😂😂😂 6y
Cinfhen Proud to wear my B @Mdargusch 😂 6y
TheKidUpstairs I know Duddy Kravitz is a Canadian classic, but I bailed on it too when I tried. So you bail in good company! Life's too short. 6y
TrishB Go for it! Or not..... 6y
Leftcoastzen There must be something up with the rights, I was shocked Amazon had DVD of it listed at $107.00.😲 6y
Dragon I bailed on this one too ! Although I do like other books by this author such as the tagged book . I once wrote him a complaint about a book and he wrote back on a file card. I wish I had kept it. 6y
emilyhaldi They scare me 😬😆 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha @emilyhaldi they‘re actually hilarious and I love them 😍 but this book 😝so glad to know I‘m not the only one who can‘t get through it @Dragon @TheKidUpstairs 6y
Cinfhen I wouldn‘t pay $1.07 let alone $107.00 that‘s crazzzy @Leftcoastzen 6y
Cinfhen I wish I could have seen the letter you wrote him @Dragon that‘s really funny!!! Was it a nice letter he wrote back!???! 6y
Dragon Thanks @Cinfhen just a typed note on a file card , but he did sign it. It was a very long time ago , before email and the internet. 😂😂😂 6y
britt_brooke 😆 6y
Reviewsbylola 😂😂😂 public shaming, love it! 6y
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UGH!!! HATING my IRL bookclub book for May 😝and it‘s my turn for discussion questions 😬😩😳 I see my buddy @shawnmooney took a #bail on this one #LuckyGuy

batsy Oh dear. I haven't read this but bailed on another one of his books 😬 6y
Cathythoughts Oh no 🙄. Good luck with it. A bit of skimming maybe ... 🤭 6y
TrishB Hard to fake read for book club..... 6y
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rockpools Oh no! Good luck! 6y
Mdargusch Look for discussion questions on the internet and then skim girl, skim! 6y
Cinfhen I may have to actually #passthebaton and be #shamed BUT I‘m not sure I can fake my way through this one 🙄😬 @Mdargusch @RachelO @TrishB @Cathythoughts @batsy 6y
rockpools @Cinfhen I think that's wise. Don't need to deep-dive into something you're hating. 6y
emilyhaldi Ugh, I hope those bookclub ladies don't shame you too hard 😆😬 6y
Leftcoastzen How close is the movie to the book?😁 6y
Cinfhen Wait??? Really?? There‘s a movie?!?! That is too good to be true @Leftcoastzen 6y
Leftcoastzen Richard Dreyfus young and cute , I remember liking the movie . But beware remember George Costanza and 6y
Kalalalatja That‘s though! Maybe you can fake your way through with the movie and internet searches? 😂 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha, that would be unforgivable at my bookclub @Leftcoastzen 6y
Reviewsbylola I like the cover at least. 🤷🏼‍♀️ (edited) 6y
DebinHawaii I would bring food and hope they forget the questions! 🤣😋 6y
Suet624 @Leftcoastzen I thought the name of this book was familiar! I must have seen the movie. 6y
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Mordecai Richler was a giant of Canadian lit, some people said. Most people also said he was a complete and utter asshole. A few chapters in on audio, those asshole vibes were starting to gather force in the story, so I read the plot summary on Wikipedia and decided to bail. This is a Canadian classic I do not need to read. Maybe a Canadian writer I can skip, too, although I hear his Barney's Version is good.

saresmoore He's definitely giving off an assholish vibe in that photo. 7y
TheKidUpstairs I could never get into any of his adult works. But I have a soft spot for Jacob Two-Two. 7y
Megabooks QUEEN 👸 of bails! 😘😘😘💚💚💚 Yikes this one doesn't sound good. 👎🏻👎🏻 7y
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batsy I too bailed on one of his books and I cannot even remember which one 7y
rabbitprincess I liked Barney's Version, both book and movie. 7y
LeahBergen The only one I've liked is Barney's Version. 7y
Cinfhen Ugh!!! This is our May bookclub pick and I HATE IT❣️❣️❣️❣️I‘m gonna wiki it too 6y
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The book that introduced me to Richler (aka one of my top all time favorite authors). In fact, just thinking about it makes me want to read it again. So if you'll excuse me...