#bookmail today! Love spending Amazon points on books because I can tell my fiancé they were free!
#bookmail today! Love spending Amazon points on books because I can tell my fiancé they were free!
This book did more than touch my heart, it literally made a home in my soul. The tears were endless, but the writing was so beyond stunning. A definite read if you like dramas and heartfelt stories.
My mother calls me constantly. The record was just a few days ago when she called 13 times in one day. Keep in mind we are currently in cottages right next door to each other right now. Curious to read this one about a mother even crazier than mine!
I was about to risk the safety of my carefully managed unhappiness for the possibility of something more.
An impressive debut novel! Hooked me from the very beginning! Well-written and engaging- though I would have liked a bit more to the conclusion.... still, excited to see what Sorell writes next!
A great pick for those dealing with estrangement and loss. A compelling story about one woman's relationship with her garbage mom, the secrets her mom kept and how they affected both their lives.
Amazing - I couldn't put this book down! From the first sentence, the writer grabs your interest and keeps it throughout the entire story. More please...
support indie Shakespeare & Co at 939 Lexington Ave 5/4 at 7 when debut novelists gina sorell, janet Benton, Jessie Chaffee and Lynda Cohen Loigman ate intervied bt me!!!
Not just me who loves this! Dan Chaon! robin Black! elizabeth Brundage! Sysan Henderson!!
This novel is extraordinary! Wait! I will post the back with the blurbs!
When a novel starts with 'my father proposed to my mother at gunpoint, you have to read it. And wear the incredible clothes by thackernyc, interviewd on my blog carolineleavitt.blogspot.con
Getting more and more buzz! This novel is dark exploration of family ties and lies
Rave Kirkus for this incredible debut! 1st line: my father proposed to my mother at gunpoint when sh was 19, knowing full well she was carrying another man's child. Trust me: preorder thus dazzler
I totally trust that any book recommended by @Carolineleavitt will be a winner. This debut is about mothers and daughters and family secrets. Plus it has an awesome first line: "My father proposed to my mother at gunpoint when she was nineteen, and knowing that she was already pregnant with a dead man's child, she accepted."