I‘m so in love with this story and it‘s going to be a hard goodbye 😪
I am way behind on reading. Between shows, the holidays, and script reading, my #s for the end of the year are kinda out the window. But trying to stuff in anticipated reads that somehow fell through the cracks.
My niece read this series and loved it. Looking forward to starting it soon!
Dorian's lips quirked into a small smile. "But you know what they say: a revolution without pie is a revolution not worth having."
I feel you Dorian...
It's like Christmas at my house today!! A new book, any awesome science book biff and my Owlcrate jr. box!! (Says a big squweee!)
Happy book birthday to The Savage Dawn! These covers are gorgeous.
Happy book birthday to The Savage Dawn! Can't wait to read this series. Have you read it yet? #thesavagedawn
Have you guys read this series yet?
Awesome giveaway over on my insta!! https://instagram.com/p/BWVRxDMAo7K/
What an end to this series. I might've shed more than a few tears.
Day 20 of #MaddieWaliJune is Most Anticipated Release of Summer 2017
Ignore my bad Photoshop job on the Savage Dawn cover *cough*
There's so many! I decided to pick The Savage Dawn because I can't wait to see how this trilogy will end!
What new release are you most excited about this summer?
#bookish #booklover #bookworm #books #bibliophile #booklove #bookphotography #youngadult #ya #fantasy #yafantasy
Thought I would share some cover love for some coming soon books. You can probably tell my favorite genre. This is book 3. Suppose I should get book one read.