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Animals Strike Curious Poses
Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
Beginning with Yuka, a 39,000 year old mummified woolly mammoth recently found in the Siberian permafrost, each of the 16 essays in Animals Strike Curious Poses investigates a different famous animal named and immortalized by humans. Modeled loosely after a medieval bestiary, these witty, playful, whipsmart essays traverse history, myth, science, and more, bringing each beast vibrantly to life. Elena Passarello is an actor, a writer, and recipient of a 2015 Whiting Fellowship in nonfiction. Her first collection with Sarabande Books, Let Me Clear My Throat, won the gold medal for nonfiction at the 2013 Independent Publisher Awards. She lives in Corvallis, Oregon.
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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An unusual collection that presents 17 more or less famous animals. What makes this collection unusual is the choice of narrative style - different for each 'essay', which undoubtedly brightens up the entire collection, which otherwise could quickly slip into the zone of boredom … but the collection is interesting, playful and well researched. My favourite story is Vogel Staar - story about Mozart‘s starling. Good companion for #audiowalks

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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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It‘s time to do some #audioknitting

Billypar I loved this collection. Many of the essays are challenging, but the effort pays off, and I really enjoyed how widely the style/form varies. 8mo
Simona @Billypar I‘m halfway through the audiobook, and yes, the most impressive part of it is difference between narration styles. 8mo
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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The 16 essays in this collection each feature some animal of historical significance, but they sprawl brilliantly across topics as diverse as science, myth, pop culture, poetry, and humor. Slyly subversive, Passarello skewers our modern conceptions of who we are in relation to the natural world by revealing the absurd, careless violence of our historical relations with animals.

Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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Opening with the exhuming of a 39,000 year old mummified wooly mammoth and spanning centuries with such subjects as the long life and loves of Darwin‘s tortoise Harriet, electricity and the elephant Jumbo, a dirty joke as told by the gorilla Koko, & more, this powerhouse collection of essays is a poetic and piercing journey through history and the human imagination in relationship to animals, an inspiring, grisly, dark, funny, and revelatory read.

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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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Each essay in this collection focuses on a famous animal, spanning from prehistoric times to present day. An essay collection on animals sounds like a light read, but this was easily my most challenging of the year. One reason is that the essays aren't 'about' the animals as much as the animals within the historical contexts they appear, and the entire spectrum of human responses that occur, from reverence to exploitation to downright cruelty 👇

Billypar As if all that wasn't enough, Passarello uses a variety of forms in the collection - some of which are experimental like a lyric poem paying tribute to a beloved cat or a translation of a gorilla's 'joke'. But even the more traditional ones have a lot of layers to them and it really forced me to read slowly and reread sections so as not to not miss anything. This is a perfect book when you need something to break out of a reading slump. 2y
Billypar I also have to plug Passarello's podcast that she co-hosts with author Justin St. Germain. It's called "I'll Find Myself When I'm Dead" and it's about the literary essay. I know that doesn't sound terribly exciting but it's actually one of the funniest podcasts I listen to. I'm still fairly new to essays in general so it's very friendly to newcomers: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXNzYXlwb2RjYXN0LmNvbS9mZWVkL3B... 2y
vivastory This sounds incredible! I have really been enjoying essays lately. I read this one last week. It is slim, but it packs a lot in & is def a literary essay collection. I think you'd like it 2y
Billypar @vivastory Thanks for the recommendation - I'll have to check it out. Yeah, lately essay collections have jumped ahead of memoirs as my most common nonfiction read. 2y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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Had I never listened to Elena Passarello's podcast, I might have assumed this was just coincidental and not a Duran Duran reference dropped without comment into an otherwise entirely straight-faced essay. But knowing a little about the author's personality, this was 100% intentional. I've only just started the second essay and I'm hooked. I also recommend the podcast which is about the literary essay - linked in the comments.

mcipher Sold! I‘m not a non fiction person but I love this lush writing and the your comment about the Duran Duran reference ♥️ 2y
Billypar @mcipher Yeah, fiction will always be my favorite but in the past few years I've been enjoying creative nonfiction more and more. 2y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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#AyupAugust #animal
I heard about this one on a favorite podcast (A Good Read), recommended by actress Nicola Walker....
I don‘t read a ton of Non Fiction but this one sounds unusual, beautiful and has an awesome (Prince lyric) title!
Here is the link to the podcast episode...

gradcat Nice covers! 5y
squirrelbrain It sounds really interesting doesn‘t it?! 🦓 🦒 5y
Cinfhen Super curious about this one ☝🏾 5y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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@Alicia #LitsyJusticeLeague!!! How sneaky you are and what an awesome haul of books you have sent me!! You know these are all ones I wanted and I have been a hair‘s breadth away from buying Elena‘s book- What a joy to have a signed to ME copy!!! Also, The illustrated Bui memoir has been so lauded at Bookriot and the food memoir (Paris and food, yes please) and Women‘s Hour is about TN and the vote took place at The Hermitage Hotel!!!⤵️

Booksnchill @Alicia buddy read yes please and Thank you so very much!! @Inwhichshereadsharder great swap! #SkulliEs still rule!🤣❤️👏👏👏👏👏 6y
Booksnchill @britt_brooke do you know about this book- about Nashville‘s role in passing 19th Amendment! So excited to read it! 6y
britt_brooke @Booksnchill Stacked it - thanks!! 6y
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heikemarie How cool!!! 6y
Alicia @Booksnchill yasssss!!!!! ❤️🌵❤️❤️❤️💓📚☠️☠️☠️ I am so glad you like everything!!!!! and yas buddy read!!! Elena pasarello was so fabulous as a speaker! I am so pumped for her book! 6y
Booksnchill @alicia I keep looking at these books and I am overwhelmed, seriously Thank you. (edited) 6y
Alicia @Booksnchill yayyy!!! ❤️💓❤️💓😀📚📚 all the love for a fellow #skullie. I was seriously so pumped to get you! 6y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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@thequeerspiderwoman this is #Sietje‘s typical morning pose. It‘s the cutest when she starts dreaming and twitching her feet. And you can see #Froedrick ‘s ears, he likes to always be covered up.

I hope you have a terrific weekend!

I‘m getting an early start to my #LitsyPartyOfOne!

Simona I love to watch my sleeping dog while she is on the wildest run through vast meadows without leash (my interpretation of her twitching feet). 7y
Soubhiville @Simona that‘s pretty much my interpretation too, along with chasing bunnies and squirrels, and maybe a doggie friend 😊🐶 7y
Simona Wild and free 🙃 7y
queerbookreader I like to be under a blanket too Froedrick 🙋🏻 7y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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A collection of essays on animals, all of which I loved.

Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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Where cows use lips mostly as protective cases for teeth, horse lips are much more ambitious. Six long muscles pull in multiple directions. The upper lip is prehensile & almost frighteningly sensitive, designed not only to grab food, but to sort it. As their mouths became nimbler, horses developed culture around their lips, which became velvety social instruments for nipping & nuzzling & holding emotional tension.

rubyslippersreads And talking! 😂 ❤️❤️❤️ Mr. Ed! (edited) 7y
Lindy @rubyslippersreads You recognized him. 😊 7y
BookBoggart @rubyslippersreads @Lindy That's all peanut butter! 😂😂😂 7y
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Hooked_on_books Wow, that's fascinating! 🐎 7y
Lindy @BookBoggart Lots of people thought it was peanut butter but it was a piece of nylon line that Mr Ed worked to remove from inside his upper lip when he got the signal to do so. Until he didn't need the prop: he learned to make that motion whenever Alan Young stopped talking. 7y
Lindy @Hooked_on_books This book is chock full of fascinating stuff about animals. 🤓 7y
BookBoggart @Lindy daaaamn, the more you know! 7y
shawnmooney Good gawd, how fascinating it is to look a gift horse in the mouth! :-) 7y
Lindy @shawnmooney Yes. Also informative. 😉 7y
JazzFeathers Wow. Never knew any if this. But l dk know that we know sk littlecabout animals' cultures. 7y
Lcsmcat Fascinating ! Especially the info on Mr. Ed. I've had enough horses to notice the social uses of their lips, but I too believed the peanut butter story.🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
Lindy @JazzFeathers True that, about animal cultures. I enjoyed reading 7y
Lindy @Lcsmcat I grew up around horses but we never got along, unfortunately, although I was sometimes required to ride. Other family members make up for my lack of horse-love. For me, cattle were always number one in my heart. Don't know why. 7y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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It could be that all we really see when we look at a 'Rhinocerus' print (as we now have for half a millennium) is an interior—one that's made of what WE wonder, what WE want, and what confuses us. Not the facts of a rhinoceros, but a two-horned body twisted by the facts of human anxiety and awe.

Maike This takes me back to my art course at school 😄 7y
Lindy @Maike If you enjoy thoughtful, lyric writing about works of art, I think you will enjoy this collection of essays. It's wonderful. 7y
Maike Stacked 😊 7y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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I get so wrapped up in reading that I set a timer for steeping my tea. Timer rings, put down book. When I lifted out the tea strainer, it had no tea in it. #onetrackmind

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Haha, love it! I often forget that I've got tea brewing... 7y
Lindy @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Fortunately for me, I enjoy tea at any temperature: hot, room temperature or cold. 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Lindy, I've found my enjoyment depends on the type of tea, peppermint I can enjoy at any temperature but others usually require reheating 7y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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Your wildest anxieties, your most Godforsaken imaginings—they could all be pulled out of the sky and made manifest in a woodcut of a nightmare beast, a fresh pox, or a folktale from the other side of a world that no longer had sides, as Magellan had just confirmed the Earth to be a deepening sphere.

Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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To the Wolf, however, Francis did not speak of God's generosity. Instead, he said, "Brother, I know your hunger."
To this, the Wolf answered, "Lo!"

Elizasam I'm squinting at the phone without my reading glasses, and still on my first cup of coffee. At first I read " To this the wolf answered 'Lol'" ? 7y
Lindy @Elizasam Smartass wolf. 🙃 7y
Elizasam 😎 7y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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He puts a hand to that soft wall and there she is, running for eight thousand years. And he becomes the mammoth so he can envision the mammoth, running toward his hand so fast her feet are rounded blurs at the ends of her triangle legs. His palm on the rock and her red fur, the thrum of his heart and the roll of her feet.
[image from Internet: Chauvet cave]

Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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Here is one from my tbr that is just perfect for #whendovescry! It is a collection of biographies of animals that have been immortalized by humans, including Cecil the Lion, a mummified wooly mammoth, and a space station spider. Sigh, so many books, so little time! #lyricalapril

Cinfhen GET OUT! NO WAY!!!🎶🎶🎶🎶brilliant ❤️ 7y
LauraBeth This sounds amazing! 7y
mklong @Cinfhen @LauraBeth Right? Who could turn down animal biographies?!? 7y
Cinfhen I was just amazed by the title!!! 7y
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Animals Strike Curious Poses | Elena Passarello
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New books in since the weekend. I now have all the Baileys Prize for Women longlist except one that should arrive tomorrow and one I had gotten from the library; I've started getting some of the Man Booker International longlist (more on the way), and the rest I thought sounded good. I have no excuse to offer as to why I have so many books. I don't think I need one. 📚📚📚 #nosuchthingastoomanybooks

LeahBergen Wow!! 👏🏻 7y
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