Finally finished the last book in this series about an Irish detective during the Troubles… “finally” because I wasn‘t ready for it to end! Tough, gritty, with a strong sense of the times… just so good. 👍🏻
Finally finished the last book in this series about an Irish detective during the Troubles… “finally” because I wasn‘t ready for it to end! Tough, gritty, with a strong sense of the times… just so good. 👍🏻
#PoliceAtTheStationAndTheyDontLookFriendly #AdrianMcKinty
Belfast 1988: A man found dead in front of his house killed from a crossbow. Duffy investigates and ends up with 3 masked gunmen forcing him to dig his own grave. Will he get out of this situation in one piece? This is the last book in the fabulous Sean Duffy series. Hopefully, McKinty will allow us to peek back into Sean‘s life in the near future. If you haven‘t read this series, why not?
After the last two books in this series I can officially say I love the Sean Duffy Series. This was a truly excellent book that I didn‘t want to put down. Great to see another side to Sean and more relationship and interpersonal stuff for him! I certainly wouldn‘t want him on my case, never gives up even when every fibre of your body is telling him to quit before it‘s too late. Still potential for another book so fingers crossed. Recommended 5⭐️
Moving onto the last book in the Sean Duffy Series, want to see how Sean copes with the changes from the end of the last book.
Finally caught up with my series! Should we read these two books next week? Poppet and A Great Deliverance the week after that and The Kill and A Conspiracy of Violence the following? @EadieB @Andrew65
The most recent Sean Duffy novel. Lovely as always, full of wit and attitude, a wonderful series of crime novels, which btw contain actually funny jokes, told by all different characters. Now that I've done with the six Duffy's, I'll have to content myself with the rest of Adrian McKinty's ouvre. Can't wait.
This author is so funny! A thorough look at what life was like in 1988 Northern Ireland as a member of a police service with a super high mortality rate. The writing style is a fresh take on hard-boiled detective fiction. The mystery is well-plotted and mostly solvable by the end. He lost a few sensitivity points, but I'm not sure every reader will clock them as such. I will read more of this series.
6th story in the brilliant Sean Duffy series opens with him being marched at gunpoint by para militaries in balaclavas to a remote spot where he must dig his own grave. We then follow the plot which led him there in mckinty's usual brilliant storytelling in which he evokes 1988 Belfast wonderfully and the threat to a Catholic in the protestant RUC.
Gripping instalment in the series.
You're a glass-half-empty...
Loving this series: Northern Ireland noir with Sean Duffy as the lone Catholic policeman on the Ulster force at the height of the Troubles in the 80‘s. He‘s a maverick and in this one up against police corruption out to smash him down. Political/police thriller I couldn‘t put down.
Another great Sean Duffy story. He's closing in on the end of his career! 😞 LOVE Adrian McKinty! LOVE Gerard Doyle's narration!
A stressful day at work demands fresh new reads and an alcoholic root beer float. #adultingsucks #getmeoutofhere #ahhhthatsbetter
Book 21 I like to switch gears, so after A Little Life, I switched to some Irish crime fic. Love this author, he's one of my auto purchases. He's also a very interesting, well travelled guy.
I'm so glad that I started the Sean Duffy series. Sean is an unusual and very likable character. The setting of Northern Ireland during the troubles gives the reader a glimpse into what life was like then - especially for a catholic police officer.
Fantastic thriller about Belfast in the late 80's.
Sean Duffy is really such a funny and snarky police detective. So many ups and downs but clever without being annoyingly omniscient. Plus it's really interesting reading about a catholic detective in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. Duffy isn't motivated by religion but by right and wrong.
Today is the day! A new Sean Duffy novel by my fave author Adrian McKinty!! #seanduffy #adrianmckinty
Finishing a book about N. Irish governmental corruption on the day of the DeVos vote. Not reassuring... 😐 ... but in happier news, saw a bunch of people on Twitter sponsoring donorschoose projects in protest. Helped sponsor this teacher who needs Spanish language books for her 1st graders. And, in 3 hrs, more than $300 has been raised!! Only $116 more needed--> https://tinyurl.com/jmojbcc 🙂 Finding hope in small places! 👏🏽
Reading lunch again! Enjoying this one, but sick kids have been occupying my time. Just got 'em down for naps though, and ah the blissful silence (broken occasionally by a distant cough). 😂 Lunch is assorted leftover veg + a slice of bacon crumbled on top, and some wheat sourdough toast. 😋
Noel is home with the sick kiddos and I escaped for a little #readinglunch! This #book is SO good if you like Ireland or police procedurals! Comparable to Ian Rankin, a similar dry humor, but set in Belfast during "the Troubles" -- and Detective Sean Duffy is the only Catholic on the Royal Ulster Constabulary force. #bookstagram #newbook
"Like Jules Maigret I arrived at the scène du crime thoroughly existentially jaded. But lucky old Jules never had a scene like this. The dead drug dealer was lying face down in his front yard, halfway up the garden path. He had orange hair and was wearing a sleeveless denim jacket that said "Slayer" on it in rivets."
I ❤ Adrian McKinty!
The sixth in Adrian McKinty's SEAN DUFFY SERIES is another cracking paced thriller with sharp dialogue, funny one-liners, a great sense of the politics and social concerns of the period plus an excellent sense of location - all of which goes to make this a must read crime thriller series.