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The Stone Sky
The Stone Sky: The Broken Stone, Book 3 | N. K. Jemisin
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Read on my kindle so no cool book photo. #LGBTQ2023


Love the end of this trilogy. I found Hoa‘s chapters quite slow going but as a stone eater he‘s supposed to move slowly, so only removing half a star.

Very deserving of all the awards it‘s won. I‘d highly recommend the broken earth trilogy to anyone interested in fantasy! Diverse cast of character with female mains. A type of magic I have never heard of. And beautiful & engrossing.

Stone Sky | N K Jemisin
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The ending was just right for this trilogy. It wrapped it all up and gave more insight into the previous ancient civilization that caused the broken Earth problem in the first place. Very creative and absorbing.

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I think reading the book instead of listening to the audio would have made all the difference. I did not enjoy the narration and felt lost the entire story. I‘m not even sure what happened in any comprehensive way. Was humanity saved or destroyed? I‘m not really sure.

Stone Sky | N K Jemisin
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Started the last book in the Broken Earth trilogy. Really liked the first two and now I have to see how it ends.

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Stone Sky | N K Jemisin

“‘Because that is how one survives eternity,‘ I say, ‘or even a few years. Friends. Family. Moving with them. Moving forward.‘”

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I got lost in this epic conclusion. The pain, the tragedy, it all cumulated into an epic ending that made me gasp. I felt this novel. A well-rounded story with a concept so fitting it‘s scary.


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I finally got around to reading the final book of the Broken Earth Trilogy because it came up as my January #Doublespin. This trilogy is epic and genius. I've been putting off the final book, though, because these books demand a cognitive focus and commitment, and I haven't had the capacity lately. The storytelling is complex, but man, the effort is worth it! @TheAromaofBooks

SamAnne I really want to finish this trilogy. I think I‘m going to reread Fifth Season first and go from there. You are right: it takes concentration! 1y
Liatrek I still need to finish the last book. Hoping to complete this year 🙂 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
Lauredhel This trilogy is AMAZING. 1y
5feet.of.fury Love this series! I agree, it is very complex but it‘s worth it! 1y
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Might as well jump right in and get one of my series finished!!

Stone Sky | N K Jemisin
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In January I read several good books, but The stone sky by N. K Jemisin was easy to pick as the best.

#12DaysofChristmas, @Andrew65, #12Booksof2022

Andrew65 A series I need to get back to. 1y
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I liked the final book the best and it‘s a work of genius in my opinion. Nobody can accuse this author of any kind of plagiarism that‘s for sure. It‘s a book of such depth that I think it‘s going to be studied for some time.

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Out of my comfort zone but worth it! Visualizing this world was an exercise for my imagination 🌋 Understanding the themes explored in this series, however, was not. The landscape was different, but the story is one we know too well. What it means to be human and the very intentional function of dehumanization. Our responsibilities to each other and to society. The impact of our choices. Our reckoning. I come back to this book often💭

Stone Sky | N K Jemisin
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Took a little bit to post my #BookSpinBingo card because through some sheer luck both #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin were books I started a while back, with only a few chapters left each and wanted to get them done and marked. It's probably the only time ever when I will finish both in a month 😁 Stone Sky - great conclusion to The Broken Earth trilogy (#Roll100 February pick) and The Beekeeper's Apprentice. Both picks!
@TheAromaOfBooks @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper You're doing great! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Conclusion to the trilogy. It was pretty good, I still feel the first book is the strongest entry but the rest of the series is enjoyable and made me think about a lot of things. This book has cool unique imagery that I‘m still thinking about.

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This way do great. I am sad it is over.

Stone Sky | N K Jemisin
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Now? Let's review. You are Essun, the sole surviving orogene in all the world who has opened the obelisk gate.


behudd So, so good. Love this series! 2y
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Book #18 of the year: “The Stone Sky” by NK Jemisin

This is the final book in the Broken Earth trilogy. I highly recommend giving the series a read.

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A pretty good trilogy wrap-up that might need a second read-through. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2021/09/08/book-the-stone-sky-2017/

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Finished several books recently, including the tagged. Well…the ending wasn‘t quite what I expected, but upon reflection not sure how else it could‘ve concluded. This trilogy had great world building and interesting characters. Curious how they‘ll adapt it to the screen.

SamAnne It‘s being turned into a movie??!!!! 3y
SamAnne @SW-T thanks for the share! Better get busy and finish the trilogy and tackle the Inheritance Trilogy. It‘s great Jemisin the one doing the adapatation. 3y
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What a brilliant end to this series, truly one of the most unique and affecting stories I‘ve ever read. Deserves all the acclaim. I‘m excited to read everything else Jemisin has written now!

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This was a great end to the series

I highly recommend the whole series

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Going to do a 24 hour read-a-thon by myself this weekend. I‘m planning to work on these. Really want to finish A Feast for Crows 🤞

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Finally get to dive into this one with a new tea. I‘ve been loving my Sips by tea subscription box. Check them out here and get $5 off your first box!

Valid through August 15th.


#sipsby #bookandtea

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“He told you once that he thinks of himself as human in spite of his strange body. You belatedly realize that you‘ve chosen to see him as human, too. That makes this something other than an act of predation. You‘re not sure what it is instead, but … it feels like a gift.”

I have such an author crush. 🤭💕 And I‘m in love with a certain statue.

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The pacing on this one felt really off. The world building here was still incredible but I feel like a huge storyline was just shoved in book 3 and then…left. Tuners to orogones to stones eaters? It was a little much and a lot didn‘t get explained but I still enjoyed the ride. The last couple of chapters felt incredibly rushed.

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Last one in the series, excited to see how this trilogy will end!

cosmicgoddess I really like how this series wrapped up. Every chapter was left on a cliff hanger. The ending was a little unsatisfactory but the rest made up for it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 3y
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Finally finished this trilogy after 9 months. Oops.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#NKJemisin #TheStoneSky #BrokenEarthTrilogy

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This book, and the trilogy as a whole, was stunning. The world & characters she created were so complex, and the story itself was incredible.
Many times during the first two books we had glimpses of Jemisin speaking to us about our world through her fantasy story. But here in book 3, the allegory was the starkest & most obvious it‘s been, and it was powerful.
Highly recommend everyone to read this.

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“Time grows short, my love.”


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Be prepared to have your emotions go through a grinder. N. K. Jemisin is a master at building up conflict and keeping readers engaged. Not only do the characters drive this story forward, but so do the cleverly placed bits of history. I have never been so invested in learning about the history of a fantasy world. #darkfantasy
Full review https://www.ityreadsbooks.com/2021/03/28/the-stone-sky-by-n-k-jemisin-a-review/

HOTPock3tt This is my fave series of the year so far! 💖 (edited) 3y
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Oh! This book! This series! My heart! I will be (and have been) recommending this trilogy to everyone I meet forever. This ending was gorgeous, and came so incredibly full circle. It was Satisfying in the way only perfect books are. I'm not only going to reread these, I'm going to be first in line for the fancy anniversary box set when it comes out someday. This is a level of book love I rarely achieve.

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For as thorough as the world building was from the start of the series I was very surprised at the amount of new concepts, science and perspectives explored in the 3rd installment.

A satisfying ending.

Picture and headline because it could be the Rifting kicking off. Everything changes in a Season.

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This series is some of the best sci-fi/fantasy I've read in ages. And it's very, very good at breaking my heart over and over.

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#firstlinefridays I know it‘s not Friday anymore, but it‘s barely Saturday and this was a good one 😅

behudd Ahhh I‘m going to be starting this book with my book club next week!! 3y
5feet.of.fury @behudd the series is so good! I‘ll be looking for your review! 🤓 3y
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I'm thankful for this series for getting me back into fantasy and teaching me what I like and what to look for in future fantasy novels. I have so much to say about it and it DEFINITELY won't fit in this text box but I have reviews for each book on my Goodreads and IG dearbookshelves / dearb00kshelves

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KimHM And she did it three years in a row 💙💙💙 3y
TheBookHippie @KimHM I know🤍🤍🤍so cool!! 3y
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Eyelit 💜😻💜 3y
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The Stone Sky is the conclusion to The Broken Earth Trilogy and its really good. I loved the reasoning finally revealed for why it's read in 2nd person.
Also loved Ykka 💙
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville
#Booked2021 #SFWrittenByAWoman
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Yay!!!! I couldn‘t get into the first book 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
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Book 3: That ending!!!! 😍 I do believe this series has become one of my all time faves. N.K Jemisin is a master storyteller. Such a richly creative world and mysterious characters. The storyline and themes go much deeper than I anticipated. Such an amazing and powerful series from start to finish.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️/5
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

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Oh, I loved how everything came together and ended in this final book of the trilogy. All the ⭐️ s


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Working on finishing this series curled up with one of my girls 😻#catsoflitsy #authoramonth

AmyG 💕😻 3y
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Wow I am having trouble rating & reviewing this book! Overall a story that completely pulled me in & kept me reading despite the things that annoyed me BUT while the ending was mostly satisfactory, this entire book hinges on the reader believing in the motivation of one of the main characters - and I just couldn't accept that a 10-year-old would be this intense about a father-figure she has only known for a year. Everything she does/suffers is ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) based on this motivation & it wasn't believable to me. The other MC, who has been the main character throughout the trilogy, was never particularly likable to me. I know that much of her personality & character was because of the abuse & trauma that she's suffered (because believe me, we get to hear about it AT LENGTH) but - just because she has reasons for being the way she is doesn't mean that she's a likable person. In this world ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) there are people who can work magic (orogenes) & people who can't (stills) & the stills have enslaved & abused the orogenes for generations. The MC rails against stills who treat all orogenes the same (“the crime of one orogene must be the fault of all“) yet consistently treats stills the same way - she wipes out multiple VILLAGES of people she doesn't even know because, basically, the crimes of one still must be the crime of all. ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) In the end, this was a solid trilogy with amazing world-building & a great story, but it was relentlessly depressing, had characters who weren't particularly likable & whose motivations didn't always seem realistic to me, & oh, the second person narration was literally driving me UP THE WALL. 3/5 for the series as a whole. It wasn't for me, but I can see why many people love it.

#SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView #AuthoraMonth @Soubhiville
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TheSpineView Great review! 👍📚 3y
Lizpixie 👏👏❤️ 3y
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I'm SO in love with this idea because obviously I need more complicated layers to my reading 😂 @Clowjick is leaving this challenge with pretty loosey-goosey rules (woot!) so I'm shuffling the deck first, then writing prompts on the cards, then putting them back in order. Flip over the first card & whenever I read a book that matches that prompt, I can flip over the next - I'll see how far I can get through the deck this year!! #TBRDeckofCards

Addison_Reads Ohhh... I like your idea. I might have to do that too. 3y
kimmypete1 Oooohhhh I like this spin on the idea a lot!! Might break my “no challenge but the GR challenge rule” I self imposed on myself a few years ago for this one! 3y
kimmypete1 Oh and I like that it‘s super easy to reuse year after year! 3y
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Traci1 I like the idea of flipping one once you do the last. 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Ha, fun idea! 3y
RainyDayReading That is an awesome idea! I may do something similar...🤔 3y
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On the 4th day of Christmas, my choice for #12Booksof2020 is the final book in Jemisin‘s The Broken Earth series. I read and loved the first book in 2019 and finally got my hands of the other two this year.

This is truly great sci-fi, with gorgeous writing and epic world building.

cozypunk Brillant! I just ordered the 2nd book on audio today. Waiting to start it on January 1st! 3y
Bookwormjillk I‘m waiting for this to come in from the library. I think once I finish I need to read the first one again now that I know what‘s going on. 3y
sprainedbrain @dandy.punk @Bookwormjillk Aren‘t these great on audio?? Robin Miles is an amazing narrator. 3y
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Bookwormjillk @sprainedbrain this is my first on audio. I‘m glad to hear it‘s good. 3y
Andrew65 I‘m hoping to get to this trilogy in January. 3y
cozypunk Ya'll are talking me into re-listening to book 1 again. Decisions, decisions. 3y
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I'm almost disappointed in this one, only because so much of the world building was saved for the end of the trilogy. It makes sense overall story wise, to keep tension up and allow the rest of the story but this was SO GOOD. Glad I chose this trilogy, to read this year.


Book 125, Audio

This wrapped up the tale nicely. I loved how it all came together, Jemisin has such a grasp on Humanity's short falls and can present them in a way that is blunt and stark, but also tinged with hope that we can do better.

It was a little hard to follow via Audio, it jumps between characters and viewpoints. I've bought the trilogy in paperback. I'll wait a while, but I'm already looking forward to reading it again.

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