This book was a good way to wrap up the series. I give it 3.5 pages out of 5. If you wanna hear my full review/rant here's a link to it:
This book was a good way to wrap up the series. I give it 3.5 pages out of 5. If you wanna hear my full review/rant here's a link to it:
DNF, I‘ve had trouble getting into these last three books. I did do the audiobooks for them so that might be why. The narration can be a little dry, and there is battle and plans laid out that is a subject I‘m not very interested in.
A couple years ago, a friend and I talked about WICKED and how I still hadn‘t read OUT OF OZ.
“It‘ll happen,” I said. “And when it comes time to review WICKED again, I‘m just gonna post a solid block of exclamation points.”
“DO IT!!!!” she said.
OUT OF OZ isn‘t WICKED. I don‘t love it the same way, but I DO love it—and on the whole, the series has got me all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to green tea today.
I‘m not yet sure if I‘ll love OUT OF OZ or really like it. It‘s the longest of the four books, and with just under 200 pages to go it feels like it‘ll come out OVERlong. That‘s at least partly because Maguire handles his usual time jumps with extended transitionary scenes instead of just, like, jumping ahead four years or whatever, as he did in WICKED. It adds a lot of narrative bulk.
Maybe it‘s because I made it a book & beer night, but I can‘t stop laughing at this limerick.
(Nah; it‘s because I have the sense of humour of a stereotypical twelve-year-old boy.)
Friends, I‘m living out that age-old readerly curse:
Person buys book they‘re desperate to read.
Person sits on said book for 8 years (because what is desperation, really?).
Person finally reads book and is keen to binge it, but book‘s a hardcover chunkster and hurts their hands so bad they need frequent breaks.
BLAH. Hardcovers are the worst.
I‘m now reading at a table, with salsa con queso. It‘s helped a bit.
I finished rereading A LION AMONG MEN right before bed, processed my I-used-to-love-this-and-now-I-don‘t grief, and resolved to take a little break before I went back to Oz.
Then I woke up and started the grand finale over breakfast (which: a tasty date omelet).
So far, I‘m cautiously optimistic. It‘s more immediately gripping than ALAM. I want the answers to all the questions Maguire asks as the first part unfolds.
I‘m gonna post a book (or series) from my TBR every day until I‘ve shared the lot. No descriptions. No explanations. Just a whole bunch of books I haven‘t read yet.
This is Day 61, and also the LAST DAY. That‘s right—I‘ve now posted about every book on La TBR! I‘ll use the hashtag again as I buy more stuff, but this daily schtick is over.
As you all might have guessed from my previous rants, I LOVE this final installation of Wicked Years series. It‘s better than the previous 3 books combined in all aspects. Plot, pacing, punchlines, character development, etc. And far more passionate.
...wounds the heart. 🎼🎤
I do love Maguire‘s humorous tribute to the musical version of Wicked. Can‘t stop reading this in tune. 🤣🤣🤣
Its prequels are all melancholy despite being thought-provoking. But this one gave me too many emotional blows. I apologize for having doubts about you, dear book. Right now I‘m very so in love with you. (80% read) ❤️📚❤️
This scene reminds me of the parents of a child with some kind of developmental disease. Believe me, I‘ve seen a fair number of such cases. The feels. 😢
Maguire‘s writing can be bleak, despairing and surprisingly emotional somehow.
What a quote from a prologue. And on Monday too! Don‘t know about you guys but I always feel somewhat caged on Monday. 😞
Today's new beaded craft dragonfly, as I get back again to reading Out of Oz. 💙
1. Book totes
2. Out Of OZ
3. Chicken wrap and homemade fries
4. Hmmm, 🤔
5. Cujo by Stephen King
#bookhaul I think the Barnes and Noble gift cards have finished trickling in for my birthday. I also wasn‘t able to grab my other book before my sister‘s appointment, so I guess I‘ll have to start reading this. I liked the previous books, so I am looking forward to this one. However, I really have a preference to one at a time.
#Glass Thinking of the chapter magic globes in Out of Oz. #ReadingResolutions @Jess7
? "There's no place like home." ?✨
Dorothy figurine and mini treasure box, bought at a used bookshop, and going to my Mom as an upcoming birthday gift. 😊❤️
I still haven't finished through Out of Oz. 😵 As much as I wanted to get back on Game of Thrones, I'd best honour other dragons first.
#Stripes I decided to manage this one myself. 😄 I don't have the ruby slippers, but my dark bow purple is best with all styles of sock collecting. #ReadingResolutions 🔮
A young lady brought this #bingeread stack in this morning. She'd rather read than do her schoolwork. I'm proud of her 😆🙌🏻! #LitsyLovesLibraries
Quite a lucky find today, while visiting the Aurora library. 😄 I got generously away with this for $2.00, willing to pay $5.00. My spare day for a long bus adventure was really great, with lots of TBR photos. - I was half through Out of Oz last summer, now without a worry of library due dates. Aurora must have had more copies; thus one on discard.
Birds know themselves not to be at the center of anything, but at the margins of everything. The end of the map. We only live where someone's horizon sweeps someone else's. We are only noticed on the edge of things; but on the edge of things, we notice much.
A follow up to Wicked and a worthy one but this isnt the signing and dancing Oz.