This was fine. I liked the first in the Westcott series enough to try out the second. It had some charms, but it was basically the same plot just gender swapped, and the romance aspect was WAY too rushed. In the course of max 3 weeks: the MCs meet, female MC loses virginity, male MC inherits a fortune, they fall in love, get engaged, and decide to adopt two orphans. I think I‘m just getting a bit burnt out on this type of historical romance.
I'm middling on this Westcott. Not as bad as the first, not as good as the third. Camille is a horror in the first one and no one actually likes her. She realizes that's because she has no personality. (Bonus points if Mom realizes that was her fault in Book 4). She makes a solid 180 with Joel's help, but he's so wishy washy about her, the story feels like he settles on marrying her when he doesn't want her to leave. Cute. 🙄 On to their Mama.
Finished this one right before work this morning. I enjoyed it and can't wait to read the next one.
Almost finished with my book and I'm dog sitting for a few days. Murray is keeping an eye on the neighborhood while I read.
This is such a sweet romance! Mary Balogh shines in this tale of family and the love we choose to accept. Centered around an orphanage in Bath, SOMEONE TO HOLD features two illegitimate protagonists who - after a terrible first impression - help each other find themselves as they find love. Contains such depth of character! Pubbed March 7!
#netgalley #arc #romantsy #romance #historicalromance #marybalogh
Camille had to be redeemed after the last book, but Joel was a really likable hero. #bookblogger #romantsy http://bambi-unbridled.blogspot.com/2017/02/arc-review-someone-to-hold-by-mary.h...
Balogh is as good as it gets in historical romance-- not the sexiest or fastest-paced writer, but the one who writes things honest and true. This book was better than the first in the series, and the blurb for the third has me eager to read it!
Now reading another historical romance ARC. I really liked the previous book in this series with the unconventional hero.
#currentlyreading #romantsy #historicalromance