Part 2 of 2
In which Hedges destroys the tyrannical government canard regarding the second amendment (Part 1 of 2)
"How does one go about articulating desperation to another who is not desperate? How does one go about articulating the psychological stress of knowing that people are waiting for me to self-destruct?" --Ojore Lutalo, a black radical
"You don't fight fascism because you're going to win. You fight fascism because it is fascist." --Jean-Paul Sartre, The Age of Reason
My 3 year old asked me to teach him the words. Go big or go home, I guess. 😆 #readingwhileparenting #nevertooyoung #revolutions
I cannot properly convey how incredible this book is. It is EXACTLY what I needed to read during this dumpster fire that is The US's current political climate. Just read it. It is up there in the best books I've ever read. 5🌟
Next up. This was recommended to me by a member of the Unitarian Church my mom @Lynnsoprano attends. Now for reading and women's tennis. #SleepIsForTheWeak
And more holds came in. This is getting out of hand, but I really don't care 😅😅😅 #BlameItOnLitsy #DamnitLitsy