Though not as good as the Anne of Green Gables series, I enjoyed the short stories, especially the one where Anne and Diana made an appearance!
Though not as good as the Anne of Green Gables series, I enjoyed the short stories, especially the one where Anne and Diana made an appearance!
Two teenage boys, Mateo and Rufus, receive an alert from Death-Cast informing them that they will die within the next 24 hours. Yes, that‘s the ending...they both die at the end. But the book tells how fate brought them together and how they lived their final day. Each chapter is written in the point of view of Mateo, Rufus, or someone else connected to their journey of their last hours of life. I loved it. I cried. I recommend!
I love historical fiction, especial about British royalty, and this book did not disappoint. It is a long book, and it did drag a bit in the middle, but I totally enjoyed it. Now that I've been introduced to Alison Weir, I am hopeful to have found a favorite author. On to the next book in her Six Tudor Queens series: Anne Boleyn, A King's Obsession...
This was the last of the Harry Potter books I read all the way through when the series first came out...and it did not disappoint! Enjoyed reliving the introduction to Sirius Black and the other friends of Harry's mom and dad from their days at Hogwarts.
Anne of the Island tells of Anne's years at Redmond College, and the whole story of Anne and Gilbert and Roy Gardner and Christine Stuart. Who would've thought I'd be so happy someone caught typhoid fever?!? My favorite quote from any of the Anne books comes in the last chapter: "I don't want sunbursts and marble halls. I just want YOU."
I enjoyed reading this just as much the second time around. Loved reliving the introduction to Dobby and remembering how annoying and conceited Lockhart was. Oh, but my favorite part of this book will forever be Ron burping up the slugs!!! 🤢😂
After all these years, and all the re-readings, I find myself still getting immersed in Anne's life in Avonlea, and I'm so not disappointed! And then there's still Gilbert... 💕
Day 28 Book 2 Chapter 11
Theme: Excellence
Excellence describes the total opposite of Lockhart...except in his own mind!
Day 27 Book 2 Chapter 10
Theme: Complaining
There wasn't as much complaining as there were things to complain about!
- Horrible weather
- Early Quidditch practices
- The Slytherin team's new brooms
- A potion that might contain Slytherin toenails
- An out of control bludger
- A useless Lockhart
- A broken arm with missing bones
- Dobby interfering
Day 26 Book 2 Chapter 9
Theme: Innocence
"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," said Dumbledore to Snape, but Snape is trying to make Harry look guilty, Filch already believes he's guilt, and other students are beginning to act as if he is guilty. Actually, in this chapter, is is more "guilty until proven innocent." Harry, Ron, and Hermione have a lot of work to do!
Day 26 Book 2 Chapter 9
Theme: Innocence
Haven't finished the chapter yet, but this had me laughing!! I wonder how many beauty routines Lockhart had that we will never know about!!
Day 25 Book 2 Chapter 8
Theme: Rumors
Did Moaning Myrtle hear rumors about names people called her behind her back?
Does a rumor start because Harry, Ron, and Hermione were caught at the scene of murdered cat crime?
Is there a rumor that in our afterlives we will be celebrating our deathdays? 😉
LOL! Thank you Anne...that is the best explanation of why I need to break a bad habit (or two!) 😂👍🏼
Day 24 Book 2 Chapter 7
Theme: Confusion
I could not focus on the theme of confusion today. As someone who had a bout of vomiting this week, I was totally distracted by Ron throwing up slugs! "...said Ron hoarsely, emerging over the table looking pale and sweaty." I was also pale and sweaty, but I am ever so thankful I was not vomiting slugs!!! ??
Day 23 Book 2 Chapter 6
Theme: Attraction
Harry seems to attract attention, though he is in no way attracted to it and tries to avoid it. Hermione is attracted to Lockhart (💕💞💕). Lockhart is attracted to attention and fame, but is more attracted to himself. But, my favorite part of this chapter is the howler that Mrs. Weasley sent to Ron! 😂
I first discovered Anne of Green Gables in college, and fell in love...all these years later, I still find myself loving it. Rereading Anne so did not disappoint, but I am secretly glad that she has never been one of my students...I don't think I could've stood the drama! And then there is Gilbert...
Day 22 Book 2 Chapter 5
Theme: Responsibility
I noticed the lack of responsibility on the part of the adults. First, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley by not getting everyone to the train station in time to catch the train. Then, did anyone at Hogwarts notice Harry and Ron were missing and contact the Weasleys? Was anyone looking for them? Hagrid? Dumbledore? McGonnegal? The Weasleys? 2 11 year olds are missing, and nothing seems to be done!
Day 21 Book 2 Chapter 4
Theme: Shame
So much shame!
Harry: not knowing a lot about the world of wizardry, being famous, and the amount of money his parents left him
The Weasleys: their lack of money
Ginny: her crush on Harry is obvious
Lucius Malfoy: his son is bested in school by a Muggle
Draco: his father publicly embarrasses him about his grades
Day 20 Book 2 Chapter 3
Theme: Curiosity
Harry's friends were curious as to why he didn't respond to their mail, which caused the Weasley to go to Harry's house. There was also some curiosity about Harry's life with his muggle family. After rescuing Harry, all 4 boys were curious about Dobby and who had sent him. Harry was curious to visit the Weasley home. And Mrs. Weasley was so mad at her boys (but not a bit angry with Harry)!
Day 19 Book 2 Chapter 2
Theme: Control
Harry's life is spinning out of control due to 2 characters attempting to take control. First, Uncle Vernon takes control of Harry, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley in order to seal a business deal. Then Dobby takes control of Harry by diverting his mail and ruining the pudding/dinner in an attempt to keep Harry safe by causing him to not return to Hogwarts.
Day 18 Book 2 Chapter 1
Theme: Disappointment
This chapter drips with disappointment. Harry enduring the school break with the hateful Dursleys, losing access to his Hogwarts materials, no one remembering his birthday, not hearing from his friends all summer, and poor Hedwig being locked in her cage by Uncle Vernon. What an unbearably disappointing summer...and the worst birthday...
Thank you, #HPChapterADay for brining me back to the Harry Potter series. I enjoyed this just a much as I did the first time around, and especially liked sharing thoughts with the other Chapter a Day participants! Can't believe we are on to the second book already!!
Chapter 17
Poor Harry, growing up with the horrible Dursleys, never feeling love, affection, or knowing how his parents loved him until the end of Book One. Happily he finds out his mother's love for him, and he is loved by his new family at Hogwarts. But I never understood why Harry had to go back for the summer. Everyone realized how bad the Dursleys were...why couldn't board at the school? It annoys me more the 2nd time around!
Chapter 16
The weight of the world is on Harry's shoulders as he awaits to meet his destiny. What struck me in rereading this book is that Harry would never had been able to fulfill his destiny had he not made the friends he had. I nearly cried when Ron willingly sacrificed himself in the chess game so that Harry and Hermione could continue on. What a deep friendship developed between these 3. They were destined to be together...
Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest
So much regret in this chapter! All of those points lost...poor Neville getting caught up in this mess...but WHY do you send 4 kids into the Forbidden Forest (it's FORBIDDEN, for God's sake!) to go hunt for what is killing unicorns?!? WHY???
Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
Today's theme is rebellion. There was definitely a lot of behavior going on in this chapter that shouldn't have been going on, but I never really thought of it as rebellious until now! Harry and Hermione were breaking rules to help Hagrid, and Hagrid was breaking rules to help Norbert, and they all had their hearts in the right place.
Chapter 13: Nicolas Flamel
Glad to be feeling better and finally caught up with the challenge. I hoped to be reading one of my paperback copies, but my 4th grade students have them checked out!! Kindle version works just as well...