This is ok. Some of it is helpful. The general flippant tone was weird and the vampire metaphor got old fast. But there were some useful bits tucked away in there.
This is ok. Some of it is helpful. The general flippant tone was weird and the vampire metaphor got old fast. But there were some useful bits tucked away in there.
There are definitely emotional vampires all around us.
This week has left me completely drained and I‘m so thankful it is finally over. Here‘s hoping a night of reading and relaxing helps, since I don‘t have the strength or willpower to face another soul for at least 24 hours (though I‘ll be lucky if I get half that with prior commitments...)
Thank you, Morrigan, for perfectly posing to reflect my mood.
Once you begin to know a thing, then you can have power over it.
Once you understand the lifestyles and profiles of the anti-social, histrionic, narcissistic, obsessive compulsive, and the paranoid, then you can see them coming from a mile away and act accordingly.
Fantastic summary and quizzes here: http://www.albernstein.com/checklists.php