Time to open some #bookmail 😀 picked up some of the #worldfantasyawards nominees to delve into. Hopefully my #botm box comes in quick!
Time to open some #bookmail 😀 picked up some of the #worldfantasyawards nominees to delve into. Hopefully my #botm box comes in quick!
Claudio Bianchi is a cranky old farmer living “in the toe of the Italian boot” who tends his scraggly land all alone...
until one day he finds a unicorn in his fields.
This book was wonderful and you should go read it.
“I call her La Signora sometimes. Not for her to answer to, just for me, inside.”
“He knew something of sorrow, remembered joy, and devoutly hoped - as much as he consciously hoped for anything other than proper allotments of sunshine and rainfall - never again to encounter either of those two old annoyances.”
“He had no vanity about this, no fantasies about literary celebrity: he simply took pleasure in putting words in order, exactly as he laid out seedlings in the spring, and tasting them afterward, as he tasted fresh new scallions or ripe tomatoes, or smelled mint or garlic on his hands.”
Thanks for including me in the #bookcolortag fun @readinginthedark Here's my green and white stack.
Now I'm tagging @Reggie and @diovival
Since I'm heading back to work next week, see if you can come up with orange and blue books! Go Rockford Gators!
I started reading this book like 20 minutes ago and I HATE that I have to get back to work because I don't want to stop reading it! 😫
I feel like it's one of those books I could read in one sitting.
As someone who used to read almost exclusively unicorn books as a pre-teen, this book evoked the same feelings all over again. The discovery, the heartache, the longing, the fantasy of it all. Lovely and sad and glorious. Bless this man and his writing.
Another Humble Bundle Book Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/save-the-unicorns-book-bundle
Sigh. I love Peter Beagle, really I do, and I did finish this one, but I couldn't really get into it. His language and imagery are gorgeous, and the story was interesting, but... something was lacking, and I'm not sure what. Still, it was lovely, and I'm glad I read it.
So glad i walked in to Barnes and Noble tonight! I had no clue this book even existed!! 🦄 So excited!
Just got this one early at my local Barnes & Noble! Wondering how different it is compared to The Last Unicorn. Either way it should be good.
This is all I could come up with for #flowersoncovers for #feistyfeb Please forgive the movie cover. In Calabria was also #bookmail from earlier this week!