•Theeeee darkest lie❤️
• Mark Twain??? I don‘t really have many
•The Wizard of Oz! Orrrrr The Goonies
• and tv showwwww would beeee....hmmm OH! This is us!!
• TACOS....but mostly taco bueno😏😂❤️ #lettert
OH MY GOSH!! Such an amazing book!! It had me hooked and it‘s just such a page turner that I just had to keep reading and reading! I didn‘t want to put it down😂 There are soooooo many “tricky” moments in this book that you‘ll end up questioning yourself, on who did what? Who should CeCe trust? And there‘s just sooo many actions packed up in this book😂😂 that you in awe in one moment then the next your saying GET HIM GET HIM NOW!