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Buffy: The High School Years--Glutton For Punishment
Buffy: The High School Years--Glutton For Punishment | Various
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The High School Years | Joss Whedon, Kel McDonald, Yishan Li
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#back2school 🎸

In middle and high school, I was obsessed with alternative music (especially No Doubt, Bush, and 311). Might be a little pop mixed in, too. I can‘t bring myself to part with these, even though I chucked all the cases long ago.

Scochrane26 I know, I still have mine, too. 4y
merelybookish I love that you ditched the cases! Good thinking. 😄 4y
effani Just looking at that pile of CDs brings back memories! 4y
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Annie1215 This is making me so nostalgic! 4y
alisiakae Me too! As we were prepping to move this summer, I made a Spotify playlist of all my 90s CDs and finally got rid of them. 4y
Megabooks Yesss!! My friends translated “Little Things” by Bush into German for a school assignment!! 😂😂 4y
Jen_Reads My car has every Backstreet Boys cd in it and my Spotify playlist is all 90s and early 00,s with maybe one recent song 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Be Here Now 💛 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Love it!! I still have all my old CDs too. I keep them all in a big binder case so they‘re kept safe. 😅 I‘m not a hoarder, honest! 🤪 4y
MaureenMc No Doubt is one of my all-time faves! 🙌 4y
Chab256 Ahhh, Gavin Rosdale! 4y
BarbaraBB Great taste and picture 💕 4y
batsy Fab photo! 4y
Cinfhen I LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo!!!!!! Ugh, when we moved 6 years ago I had to do a MAJOR GOODBYE HAUL ...can‘t even talk about it💔💔💔 4y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen That‘s what led me to throwing out the cases; lots of moves. I really should get rid of some of them. I‘ll bet there‘s a couple hundred between hubby and me. 4y
Cinfhen We had SO SO SO MANY ( really ridiculous) tons were scratched, but still....it was Hubby, me and my daughter too!!! Even my boys had a bunch of CDs. There was this company that bought them ....I feel like we made over $500 selling them, but not close to how much we spent on buying them. All those years of memories 😢I hope you don‘t mind... I took a screenshot of your post. It just makes me FEEL HAPPY 4y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Of course I don‘t mind! 💚 Lots of memories for sure. I still listen to some of them. 🤘🏻 4y
Cinfhen We had ever single NOW That‘s What I Call Music completion CD from 1998 until 2013... Do you remember those??? 4y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen YES. 😂 I never had any, but that‘s awesome! 4y
CaliforniaCay Good idea ditching the cases. I haven't been able to let go of my cd collection either, but they really do take up a lot of space and I don‘t even listen to half of them. I'm considering doing some kind of art piece with them though. Maybe like a curtain of strung up discs I can hang on the wall behind my tv or something 🤔 4y
Centique @Cinfhen I had almost all of those in the 2000s too! I kept buying them on ITunes because we go up North and there‘s no wifi but we still need music. 😍 4y
britt_brooke @merelybookish It was so much easier for moving purposes. For many years, we moved every 2-3 years. Now we‘re settled, though. 💚 4y
britt_brooke @4thhouseontheleft Such a great idea! I should do that, too. 4y
britt_brooke @Megabooks That. Is. Awesome. 4y
britt_brooke @Jen_Reads Fantastic! I loved some Backstreet Boys, too. 4y
britt_brooke @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I really should get a couple of those binders! I have ours stacked in cylindrical rows in a storage container. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 4y
britt_brooke @MaureenMc Same!! I wanted to be Gwen. Still do. 4y
britt_brooke @Chab256 Gavin. Ah. I was SO obsessed. I had Bush posters and bought Spin and Rolling Stone and whatever I could get my hands on with his photo. I might have had a door full of Gavin pics. 😂 4y
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB Thanks! 💚🤘🏻 4y
britt_brooke @batsy Thanks! 💚🤘🏻 4y
merelybookish @britt_brooke I get it! Smart solution. 4y
CallMeIshmael That‘s some good albums 4y
Cinfhen I think we got to Now That‘s What I Call Music 22 @Centique so funny what one remembers 4y
LeahBergen I loved No Doubt. ❤️ 4y
Centique @LeahBergen me too! I really think you are my long lost Canadian twin Leah - classical novels and Anne and No Doubt and big hair.... 😍we must be related! 4y
LeahBergen @Centique I think so! 😆😆 We definitely would‘ve been high school besties but now we‘ll just have to settle for middle-aged besties. 😆😆 4y
Centique @LeahBergen amen to that 🥰 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 💛💛Some of the we're my favorites in high school: Hole, Bush, Fiona Apple, Oasis... I still have hundreds of CDs and cassette tapes. Music was a big part of my life so I haven't been able to get rid of them yet. @Chab256 I called Gavin Rossdale a trophy husband the entire time he was married to Gwen. @Cinfhen I think they're up to Now That's What I Call Music #105!😲 4y
britt_brooke @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Gwen and Gavin were such royalty back then. 💚 4y
Cinfhen Noooooooo way!!!!!!!!! That‘s insane @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 😂😂😂😂😂 4y
Jinjer I still have my vinyl record collection, my CDs, and my cassettes! I think I ditched the 8 tracks, finally. 4y
britt_brooke @Jinjer I wish I still had some cassettes! My sons would love seeing them. They still can‘t believe we had rotary phones growing up. 😂 4y
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The High School Years | Joss Whedon, Kel McDonald, Yishan Li
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Here's a bunch of music albums I can listen to and be transported back to my high school years, which was when I truly began to take an interest in guitar music and other controversial and rebellious music. \😝/

@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB 🎶

Cinfhen There are certain album covers I look at and immediately know which artist/ album it is....such as the Nirvana and Blink 182 🙌🏻❣️ 4y
Suet624 Oh boy. YES to all of these. My poor kids may have lost some of their hearing as I blasted these albums in the car. 4y
Annie1215 I think I‘m gonna have to set a little nirvana as the playlist to my readathon today...also this inspires a book review... stay tuned! 4y
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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Love ALL of these! 🤘😆🤘 4y
j9brown Oh, hello my high school soundtrack 😄 My musical tastes haven't changed much, either! 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Annie1215 Certainly! 💫 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @j9brown Love revisiting these old ones, it's like jumping in a time machine 🚀 4y
peaKnit This was totally my playlist in college! 89-93, still Foo Fighters 🤘🏻 RIP Kurt. 4y
peaKnit And played Come Out and Play by Offspring at my 1994 wedding to the fam‘s chagrin 😂🤣 4y
BarbaraBB This was my playlist too! 😍 4y
sharread Enimen 💜 4y
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Remember that episode where Xander is attacked by the teacher that is really a praying mantis creature? Yeah, that is basically this book. Only instead of sex, it‘s food. It‘s not horrible, but it is definitely not great. It is kind of enjoyably bad.

Trashcanman Hope you are well, truly 5y
Krisjericho @Trashcanman I am, and I am so glad to see you back!! 5y
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Happy 20th Buffversary to one of my all time favorites! Here's my dog as the chosen one, crafting wooden stakes for ultimate vampire annihilation.

GypsyKat Haha! So cute! 8y
LeahBergen 😂 8y
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The High School Years | Joss Whedon, Kel McDonald, Yishan Li
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Public Service Announcement. The version of Once More With Feeling streaming on Netflix is edited all weird. The entire end of "I've Got a Feeling" was cut off. The version on Hulu is fine though. #FangirlProblems

The High School Years | Joss Whedon, Kel McDonald, Yishan Li
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Oh, how I needed this light bit of nostalgic fluff. I miss Buffy and the Scoobies - so it was fun to get some more early years stories. I may need to do a marathon rewatch in December during the holidays. 😄

readinginthedark Yes! Any time is good for a Buffy re-watch! 8y
ApoptyGina69 I agree! But then I think about crumpling up on the floor in heaps of tears... ❤️❤️We made our own CDs of The Bronze playlists. #totallycommited 8y
Eyelit @ApoptyGina69 I still have a majority of the music from Buffy in my iTunes! When I lived in Chicago I found out (probably thru bronze message board) that Velvet Chain was playing a small gig and I dragged my reluctant roommate to go see them. 😆 8y
Serotonin I finally watched the Buffy musical episode 😆 Gotta love Netflix 👍 8y
Vexingcircumstance I found so music through WB shows. Lol 8y
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