The kindergartners drew heart maps after reading What do you do with a problem.
The kindergartners drew heart maps after reading What do you do with a problem.
This RF focuses on a young boy who begins to have a problem. Not knowing what to do, who to turn to, and how to handle it- the problem begins to grow to a hindering size. Will the boys be brave and face his fears? Or will he continue ignoring it, only making it more unbearable?
I won this series on Instagram from Compendium. I really like all three books. They are beautifully drawn and I love the messages of the stories. #kidlit #picturebooks
#BlackCatChallenge Day 4: In this story, a child is plagued by troubles and difficulties and is #Afraid. Besom has successfully layered the narrative with visual metaphors, adding a different texture to what may actually be perceived as a borderline-prescriptive narrative. The advice is to face problems head-on, get to its very core, and maybe one could find something surprising right there at the very centre of it all. https://wp.me/pDlzr-dyr
This week in picture books - resilience. #teachersoflitsy #librariansoflitsy #raisingreaders
This is an amazing F PB that I would love to use to teach students in my classroom a lesson! It is about a little boy who has a problem that will not go away. His problem keeps getting bigger and bigger and he does not know how to get rid of it. One day he finally decides to face his problem once and for all and finds that it is actually beautiful! #UCFLAE3414F17
What Do You Do with a Problem by Kobi Yamada is an inspirational fiction RA that is a great addition to any early elementary classroom library. In this story a little boy realizes that he has run into a problem. He does all that he can to escape the problem, from running, shoo-ing it away, and even disguising himself from it. The more he avoids the the problem, the more he realizes it grows. Finally he decides it is time to face his problem
I am beyond excited to feature this beauty in tomorrow's Pippa's Corner on the blog.
Another beautifully written, incredibly illustrated picture book for children young and old! 💛📚
Written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom, this beautiful RF book describes what to do when you have a problem! Do you let it swallow you up? Or do you face it? Follow up with this problem-solving activity! http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/solution-square-s... #ucflae3414su17
It was a wee bit cheesy, but I still liked it, and so did my kids.
I like the idea of seeing a problem as an opportunity, even if I'm too grouchy today about a leaky freezer to look for the bright side 😖
Day15 #photoadaynov16 #booknerdproblems Maybe it's more #litzynerdproblems than a book nerd problem but when you take a brief work break & are in the midst of checking out what's happening on Litsy and it goes down, that's a problem. Especially when you spend the next 30 minutes obsessively checking it to see if it's back up! 🤓📚 But the feeling when it is? ....priceless! Thanks @Litsy tech team! ❤️😀