The Napping House is an adorable RF. This book is a Golden kite winner for picture books and I can see why. I would use this story as a S(as you see my plan in the picture ;) ). I know students would love it! #UCFLAE3414f17
The Napping House is an adorable RF. This book is a Golden kite winner for picture books and I can see why. I would use this story as a S(as you see my plan in the picture ;) ). I know students would love it! #UCFLAE3414f17
This adorable F book is fantastic for your library. It is about a poor blue crayon that is labeled red. He is having an identity crisis and every other color has something to say about it. Until he realizes his true color! I would love to do a RA with this story and teach students this wonderful lesson on being yourself and not listening to others. #UCFLAE3414f17
Cynthia Rylant‘s Poppleton books are great F books. This is a series of 8 that would be perfect for PR since it is a picture book that is moving into a short novel. It gets students to not be afraid of nook with more words on the page. This series is about a city pig who moves to a more suburban lifestyle and each story is a new adventure. #UCFLAE3414f17
This Caldecott Winner was the very first book Cynthia Rylant ever wrote. It is a RF based on her life in the Appalachian Mountains. She wrote about her childhood, family, and some of her experiences in living out of civilization. This book would be great for an AS because Cynthia has so many amazing books! #UCFLAE3414f17
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales is such a fun book to read. It is a great TL to have as an IR. This is a book that puts a modern twist on all the classic stories. It is very comical and definitely meant for older grades! This book shows you the “true side” of these famous fairy tales and you will for sure have a good laugh. #UCFLAE3414f17
Actual size is such a fun NF to incorporate in any classroom. It is a book that shows you the ACTUAL size of things. For example the actual size of an alligator‘s mouth or a birds beak. This book is a Orbis Pictus Honor! This would be a cool RA during a math lesson to show that learning sizes does not have to be boring. #UCFLAE3414f17
Henry is an alien schoolkid who needs to come up with one very good excuse to explain why he is late for szkola, again.(yes it is really spelled like this)Otherwise it‘s lifelong Detention. Henry's tall tale of his unbelievable trip into Henry's wild universe may be the most original excuse ever for being late for szkola. This SF story is such a unique twist on children‘s books. It‘s filled with so much imagination and has many make believe words.
The Giving Tree is my favorite P story. It makes for an amazing PR. This book is about a tree that gave everything it had to make the little boy happy. Over time the tree gave the little boy so much until he was only a stump. This book is certainly a tear jerker and makes me cry just about every time I read it. #UCFLAE3414f17
Flat Stanley is a classic!! It‘s a F story about a little boy who wakes up to find he has been flattened by his bulletin board! It sounds tragic but since he is flat like paper he can now be rolled, mailed, and turn into a kite. It is a wonderful RA or IR to help the transition to chapter books for children. Now this was one of my favorite book growing to because of this activity I am about to share. #UCFLAE3414f17
Katie Casey is determined to help start the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League! This gave women the opportunity to play professional baseball during the time that the men were fighting in World War 2. This is a wonder HF book that sparks so much inspiration in the lives of young women. This book would be a great IR. #UCFLAE3414f17.
The book is so adorable. I️ can see why it is a Caldecott winner! This F book is a wonderful story to RA around halloween to get the students in a spooky mood. It is about a rabbit who loves going into the fields to eat carrots. But all of a sudden he gets haunted by the carrots as they are trying to scare him out of coming into their garden.
This classic F is a hilarious book for every single class! It is a Caldecott winner and would be an amazing RA or CR to get all the students yelling “no” at the pigeon. This book would have every student interested. It‘s about a pigeon that just simply would like to drive the bus! #UCFLAE3414f17
Seedfolks is a Goldenkite award winning RF novel about a young girl, Kim, who plants Lima beans in an abandoned lot on the anniversary of her fathers death. This simple act sparks the interest of the community and causes a chain reaction. I read this book in my RED class and thought it was great for any classroom. It would work well as an IR or SR to get students used to reading novels. #UCFLAE3414f17
Missing May is a wonderful Newbery winner that is about grieving. In this RF story it follows Summer who was left to be taken care of by her Aunt May and Uncle Ob after her mother passes away. She is extremely happy living with them until Aunt May dies while gardening. The story takes you through how both Summer and Ob are handling their loss and they take completely different routes. #UCFLAE3414f17
The classic F book Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes is of course amazing to have in your classroom. He shows his readers that no matter what happens to him everything is cool. In this book he steps in different objects that turn his shoes all sorts of colors. Instead of crying about it he keeps walking along. This book would be a good CR because it is easy and fun for children to read along with you. #UCFLAE3414f17
The Man who Walked Between the Towers is a B that follows the French street performer Philippe Petit. He decided to walk on a wire between the twin towers. This book won a Caldecott Medal. This book would be a great RA to bring to your classroom. #UCFLAE3414f17
Wonder is one of my favorites so far! It is a great RF about a boy named August Pullman. He has a deformity which makes him different than his peers. The book takes you through his struggles of his first year in public school. It is a tearjerker that promotes being kind to one another. I would incorporate this book as a IR or LC. #UCFLAE3414F17
The Girl who Drank the Moon is a F Newberry Award winner. This is about a town who sacrifices a baby each year in hopes it will keep the witch from destroying their town. Though, in reality the witch, Xan is as kind as they come. Meanwhile a young man is determined to save his town from having to sacrifice anymore children. This would be an awesome LC for your classroom. #UCFLAE3414F17
This RF book is a cute and enjoyable story to add to your classroom library. It is a story about a little girl who gets to spend the night at her grandmothers. She is so excited she walks us through all the activities they are going to do in order to "babysit" her grandma. This is a great RA. #UCFLAE3414F17
The first thing I thought of when reading this book is how awesome it would be for your schools grandparents day.
If you give a mouse a cookie is a humorous F story about a mouse who wants a cookie. After the cookie he asks for milk, then a straw, then a mirror, and then turns into a series of other requests. This book would be a great RA and it would surely keep the attention of all the students. #UCFLAE3414F17