False advertising. Is not a Musketeer sequel. While the novel opened strong it ended in an anticlimactic matter.
False advertising. Is not a Musketeer sequel. While the novel opened strong it ended in an anticlimactic matter.
The Red Sphinx is a highly entertaining adventure tale full of intrigue, sword fights, and a fair bit of chaste romance. I think that's why I love Dumas so much. There is so much joy in the text. I have so much more to say about this, but it can't fit into 451 characters, so more babbling about this sequel, translators, and Dumas on my blog:
I should totally go to bed, but I‘m having the best reading weekend I‘ve had all month and the Bookly app tells me I can finish The Red Sphinx in just over 2 hours. I don‘t think I can stay awake for 2 more hours, but I‘m going to “just one more chapter” myself until I pass out. 🤣🤣
“Etienne Latil, last seen entering the cardinal‘s study in Chaillot, pale, knees trembling, supporting himself against the wall, and feebly offering his devotion. But now with head high, mustache bristling, a spring in his step, hat in his right hand and the left on the pommel of his sword, he was once again that captain who might have stepped out of a sketch by Callot.”
(I 💛 these illustrations)
No, Dumas, I do not recall Latil describing anyone as the duke‘s thug-in-waiting. At nearly 300 pages into this 800+ page novel, there have been so many characters that I can‘t remember them all, let alone remember things said about them! 🙄 And, for heaven‘s sake, which duke are we talking about? There‘ve been at least a dozen already! 😭😭
“Souscarrieres entered with such an air of nonchalance, giving His Eminence such a casual greeting, that it was tantamount to effrontery.”
I‘m enjoying the illustrations between chapters in this edition! #yearofdumas
This has been a spectacularly rotten week. I‘m going to hide in my blanket fort with my octopus mug full of hot chocolate and read my book, since the migraine has finally abated enough that I can actually read. Happy Friday, everyone. Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend!
So...my MRI results weren‘t the “absolutely nothing to worry about” that I expected, more of the “something‘s going on but will require further, possibly painful, testing” so I took the day off to wallow. #Bailey is keeping me company while I read and try not to panic, since panicking just triggers migraines, as I was reminded last night. 🤦🏻♀️🤕
My proposed #FebruaryTBR: a new edition of my favorite Austen, the tagged book for my #yearofdumas, my #librarything #earlyreviewers win, my current audiobook, two NetGalley ARCs for March, my work book club‘s Q1 pick, and a sampling of my #MountTBR personal reading challenge February theme of romance novels. I don‘t like to listen to romances, so I‘m not sure what I‘ll listen to this month-probably An American Marriage since I‘m dreading it. 😆
An embarrasment of riches from Pegasus Books
#TBRtemptation post! This is Dumas' not-quite-finished sequel to T3M. Combined with a novella, "The Dove", the narrative completes. This picks up 20 days after where T3M left off. Cardinal Richelieu, Queen Anne, King Louis XIII all vie for power. It introduces a real historical figure, the Comte de Moret, Louis' half-brother. Conspiracy & romance await! Fits reading challenge categories: 150 years ago, 800+ pages, etc. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
Just enough time for tea and to make a start on my new Dumas. Thanks #NetGalley - he's one of my absolute faves!
I'm going in