Thank you Rachel. I look forward to reading it. Big hugs 🤗 ❤️.
Thank you Rachel. I look forward to reading it. Big hugs 🤗 ❤️.
Short story: I enjoyed this way more than I expected to. If you‘re interested in how fragrances are made or a business/retail/entrepreneurship story from someone who didn‘t grow up privileged, this is one to give a go. The book is well-written, & Jo Malone comes over as personable, with an interesting life story to tell.
Very long story: This was given to me as a ‘breast cancer survival story‘ shortly after my diagnosis a couple of years back👇🏻
Life as a tapestry and bouncing back after a horrible split with the family.
I really didn‘t expect to be as interested in this as much as I am. Or to be transported back to the Eighth Life part-way through. Though actually... 🤔. But with face cream rather than hot chocolate.
Debated going daft for the motivation bit of the #bfc #bookfitnesschallenge, but...
It‘s a year and a week since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Once I‘d done the essentials (surgery, radiotherapy) I decided to tackle the other stuff. I wanted to get to within the NHS ‘healthy weight‘ guidelines before my 1 year scan in case I needed more surgery. I‘ve lost a stone (almost there) & my diet & exercise levels have both improved loads 👇