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The Restless Dead
The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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Another solid one by Beckett. A great series. I especially enjoy the Backwaters, the far away from everything, where the books are mostly set. I am interested in the work of forensic experts, and it works very well with these books. The ending is so intriguing that I immediately placed a hold on the next book in the series 🙂

Andrew65 Love this series. 5y
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Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Inbetween “So-So” and “Pick” for David Hunter‘s 5th case. It‘s the beginning and end that made me decide to “Pick” it.
There were 50-100 pages that somehow dragged a bit, I would have liked it better if the story had been tightened. Plus: I cannot understand how David changed from “I lost orientation in the backlands” to “I can perfectly find my way alone.”

I loved many of the characters in there but all in all the plot wanted too much.

Moony I borrowed me the book yesterday, too ;) 6y
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Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Okay. Yes, this is very brutal (or maybe I just became a whinger with the years) but the story now definitely has grabbed my interest. It takes a bit of effort to stay on top of things when it comes to “Who was found where❓🤔” – but now I‘m definitely in the “one-more-chapter”-area.

Just need to get a heating bottle for my uptight muscles.

Moony Oohhhhh das steht noch auf meiner Wunschliste 6y
Buechersuechtling Dann hast du bestimmt „Verwesung“ schon gelesen und weißt vor allem auch, dass es inzwischen einen weiteren neuen gibt❓ Meine Schwester hat den schon gelesen und ist begeistert. Ich bin gespannt, wann ich den abstauben kann – und nein, das Abstauben-Wollen hat rein gar nichts damit zu tun, dass ich die letzten beiden Bände innerhalb kürzester Zeit gelesen/aufgeholt habe. ? 6y
Moony Ja genau so ging es mir auch mit den letzten Büchern und dann kam immer was dazwischen, warum ich sie noch nicht gelesen habe. 🤔 6y
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Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Maybe it‘s because I didn‘t have much time to read during the past days – but surprisingly this one at first seemed to suck me in from the very beginning … and then it suddenly did not. Can‘t really say why.

But now, at page 239, the point where it enthrals me seems to be reached again.

Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Tonight, I am really, really tired so I didn‘t get much reading done.

But I think this will be a book that I will remember for a long time because so far, Dr. Hunter really does silly things. He runs into difficulties and as I said earlier, I really like this at the moment because it makes him more human, more John-Doe-like and less brilliant.

Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Might be childish but I like the beginning. Finally something realistic. Dr. Hunter seems to have problems with his job contract like everybody else nowadays now and then, because it‘s a fixed-term contract.

Sounds like mischievousness, I know, but I find it reassuring to not only have to do with high-flyers – even if they‘re fictional ones.

Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Let‘s continue my newly discovered David-Hunter-crush with his fifth case. ☺️

I‘m surprised that (until now) Littens decided that it‘s a “Pick” in only about 33 %. Hunh. 🤔

Whatever. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I‘m looking forward to it.

The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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A great week!

Week 5/52 2019- #BookStats
6 Books Finished, 1985 Pages

Books Read 24/200
Pages Read 10,307/85000
#Chunksters 3/25 (1 this week)
#CenturyOfBooks 16/100 (3 this week)
#LitsyAtoZ 11/26 (2 this week)
#SeriesUpToDate 2/25 (1 this week)
#SeriesCompleted 1/15 (0 this week)

Buddy / Group Reads Completed : 10 (4 this week)

EadieB @Andrew65 Great week! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Thanks, especially given the current work demands! 6y
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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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one of the best series out there. It's best to read this series in order. very well-written, incredible characters, intriguing plot. hard to put down as the pages keep flying and you need to find out what is going to happen next. The killer had me stumped and all the twists and turns had me changing my mind. The cliffhanger ending. I hope it's not going to be a long wait. I would highly recommend this series to those who love mystery thrillers.

julesG Still need to read this. 6y
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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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Another great episode from one of my favourite series. There may have been a few years since the previous book but certainly not affected the high quality of these books. There were so many surprises in this book and I liked the developing relationship in this book, but do not know if this will continue in the future. Hopefully 🤞 This book left on a cliff hanger and can‘t wait for the next book. Thoroughly recommend the David Hunter Series.

HotMessJess Good last name, considering it‘s my son‘s name! :) 6y
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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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My January reading statistics, along with the favourite book of the month. A high proportion of audiobooks this month!

TrishB Cool stats 👍🏻 6y
Andrew65 @TrishB Thanks, 😊 6y
PurpleyPumpkin Great reading month!👏🏽 6y
Andrew65 @PurpleyPumpkin Thanks 👍 6y
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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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Now at 10 hours 22 mins in the #24B4Monday #Readathon. Starting The Restless Dead, which is Book 5 in the excellent David Hunter Series. Reading this as part of a Group Read on Librarything. Definitely recommend this series, the first one is The Chemistry of Death.

BeansPage Go Andrew! Go Andrew!!! 6y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Got multiple challenges going on this weekend and trying 😳🤯😱 to balance them out. I am leading this group read. 6y
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BeansPage You are awesome! BTW check your email please 😁 6y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Got to the bottom of my comments so will be checking the email now. 😊 6y
BeansPage 😘😘😘 6y
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Totenfang | Simon Beckett

I'm such a mess. This book has been on my wishlist for a good long while. And then, just the other day, I happened to be looking for something and found this on my shelf. Along with a birthday card from a friend who gifted it to me last November. I totally forgot! So naturally, David Hunter's my next read.

The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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Book #5 in series. One of my favorite authors. Need to read David Hunter series in order. Well-written w/incredible characters and intriguing plot. Beckett‘s descriptions are atmospheric. Kept changing my mind about the killer. Cliffhanger ending has me anxiously waiting the next installment. Perfect series for mystery thriller lovers.

Andrew65 Love this series as you know! 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Got to because it is great! 6y
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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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I am never disappointed with Simon Beckett books especially his Dr Hunter series and this is no exception. Brilliantly written and staged in an area of the UK I know well, this was an enthralling story. The wait for this book was well worth it. If you like a slightly gory crime story then this series is for you. Probably best to start at the beginning but not essential as each story is a different crime.

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Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Der 5. David Hunter konnte mich so gar nicht überzeugen. Die Geschichte zieht sich wie Kaugummi und die Landschaftsbeschreibungen waren mehr als übertrieben. Die ganze Rezension gibt's hier:


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Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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Although my favorite book genres are Fantasy and YA, I really fell in love with Simon Becketts David Hunter series.
But I still doesn't read the newest case. 🙈
Do you have books you really love outside your comfort zone?

#thriller #whitebook #german #tbr #sub #buchblogger

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The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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December Stats are in!!! Happy New Year, everyone!! 🎈🎉🎊💥

Megabooks Great month! 8y
sprainedbrain Very nice! 👏 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Looks like you had a great reading month. Happy New Year!🎉🎉🎉 8y
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Totenfang | Simon Beckett

Ich mag David Hunter wirklich super gerne. Mir hat nur ein wenig die Spannung gefehlt. Wer aber auf etwas ruhigere Krimis steht, dem lege ich dieses Buch wirklich ans Herz 😀Das Ende verspricht allerdings auf ein neuen Fall für David Hunter, den ich auf jeden Fall lesen werde.👍

The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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Dr Hunter is back! These books are solid mysteries and I enjoy them every time. The change of scenery from book to book and Dr Hunter's development outside of his cases helps to keep it interesting.

Sometimes the descriptions are a little too drawn out for my taste and the ending sure needs some tidying up, but it didn't spoil it for me.

The author writes in English, but the English version won't get published until next year. 🤔

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Totenfang | Simon Beckett
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weiter geht es jetzt hiermit 😀Ich bin sehr gespannt

The Restless Dead | Simon Beckett
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Der fünfte Fall für David Hunter. Mein Sonntag ist damit verplant. 😉

booksofmylife Steht noch auf meiner Wunschliste 😍 8y
Buchlotsin Durfte bei mir heute auch einziehen. Bevor ich damit anfange muss ich aber erst einmal eine David Hunter - Auffrischungs-Lesetour durch die Vorgängerbände machen, habe so viel bereits vergessen? 8y
miiss.buch @Buchlotsin das geht mir auch so 🙈 8y
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Papiergefluester @Buchlotsin @miiss.buch Man braucht kein Vorwissen für diesen Band, stürzt euch einfach rein. 😉 8y
Buchlotsin @Papiergefluester @miiss.buch Gut zu wissen. Ganz lieben Dank! 😘 Wie hat das Buch Dir gefallen? Eher 👍🏼 oder 👎🏼? 8y
Papiergefluester @Buchlotsin ich habe es an zwei Tagen gelesen, reicht das? 😉 8y
Buchlotsin @Papiergefluester Sagt alles! ?Danke Dir. Dann freue ich mich schon auf die Lektüre (und durchlesene Nächte)??? 8y
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