This quote by Solon (from the sixth century) is the first known mention of the utilization of “noos” as mind or consciousness and yet not until much later from several different culture developments (or so Julian Jaynes hypothesizes) 🤗📖
This quote by Solon (from the sixth century) is the first known mention of the utilization of “noos” as mind or consciousness and yet not until much later from several different culture developments (or so Julian Jaynes hypothesizes) 🤗📖
I would really love to meet a few authors… I‘ve actually meet Ms. Leigh Bardugo fantastic 🤗
I could do no new books because I could get the new books eventually at used book stores or library‘s
I have to have both bookstores and libraries 🤗
Thank you @Bklover for the tag
@Dragon , @BiblioLitten , and @Susanita if you haven‘t played join the fun ☺️📖
Ok ok I‘ll try to stop posting about this book until I finish but come on there‘s so much that is great about understanding the mindset of peoples that lived thousands of years ago and to translate their understanding of consciousness is 🤯🤨 I mean I think besides the Malazan books and Jung this is my new favorite
Ok so yes I‘m still reading this because for the month of November I was at my Daughters & Granddaughter so I didn‘t read much… anyway so I would recommend this book even though I haven‘t finished it it has some great historical information about consciousness but also this … can you imagine what these individuals sacrificed for their beliefs 🤨 🤗 that‘s dedication 👀
Thank you for the tag @Eggs I enjoy these so here it goes
1. I‘m trying to finish the book tagged above… but I‘ll be with my daughter and granddaughter from tomorrow until Sunday so I‘m hoping for any reading time 🤗
2. There are several dishes I love for this day so my top dish would be a 5 cup dish (cream cheese, walnuts, pineapple, coconut, mandarin oranges, and marshmallows… it‘s a salad/desert type of dish) 🤗
I‘m going to let this statement sink in… see if anyone catches it 🤨🙂🙃
“ O‘ what a world of unseen visions and heard silences, this insubstantial country of the mind”.
I know that‘s small but I really love reading books that expand knowledge and understand… 🤗
OK. This pick‘s way out there. The title only hints at the phantasmagoria within, as Jaynes seeks to show that the ability to introspect is a relatively late evolutionary development. Before that, we heard voices. Hence God or the gods in, say, the Bible and Homer are always telling people to ‘go here‘ and ‘do that‘. Now we just think it. Jaynes argues that the mind is a linguistic construct: perhaps the first person to do that. Visionary stuff!
Almost halfway finished, very interesting.
He felt the evidence showed that some metaphysical force had directed evolution at three different points: the beginning of life, the beginning of consciousness, and the beginning of civilized culture.
Westworld has me wanting to finally read my copy of this book.