Crickey! Margaret Atwood has a seriously monotone voice!! I can‘t listen to any more! Hmm, maybe it‘s not always best for authors to read their own books! 😬
Crickey! Margaret Atwood has a seriously monotone voice!! I can‘t listen to any more! Hmm, maybe it‘s not always best for authors to read their own books! 😬
⭐️⭐️ I‘m reluctant to say this about a Margaret Atwood book, but: YAWN. An adaptation of a six lecture series on, well ... writers and writing. Sounds great, yeah? Total snooze fest. There‘s obviously value to certain bits, but evidently much of it is too academic and esoteric for my little brain. Atwood‘s narration didn‘t help. Very monotone at times, but often pitching up on random words. Def go print if you intend to suffer through this.
Reposted from a fellow indie author who earned $800 income last year. And for an indie author, that‘s a high income! Thank you SO much to all Littens taking the time & effort to discover & review emerging authors! #grateful #reviwersrock
Oh my word, this is a great week for Litsy #bookmail . Look what @Caroline2 sent me! Thank you, Caroline, for your generosity and thoughtfulness 😘. I read all the books about writing that I can get my hands on, and I haven't read this one yet. Looking forward to it! #jbuk #justbecause ❤
#RiotGrams Day 20: Who else could write best about #Writing if not the unparalleled Atwood herself who writes both poetry and prose so acutely and incisively, it‘s like each word cuts the soul like a knife. I hope to read this one soonest - my constant refrain, seems like. #BookwormProblems
I'm loathe to bail on anything Margaret Atwood writes but I just could not get interested in this one. It was too abstract for me.
I'm struggling a bit with this one. Based on a series of six lectures Margaret Atwood presented, some parts are brilliant (is the double identity of writer and person) others I'm finding a bit dull (ie lots of long winded references to writers of old). Will I persevere? Today's chapter will be the decider.
Just recently joined Prose. I love it! I recommend to both writers and readers. Some very high quality writing on the site with fun challenges. Much more organized than wattpad, in my opinion. A great opportunity to support amateur authors and help them be heard! #prose
Part of today's library book haul. I've always been a completely amateur writer but I would like to do more. Hopefully I'll find some inspiration and motivation in these. Are there other books that are must reads for a wanna-be writer?
Totally fascinated with reading what goes on behind the mind of this wonderful woman :) Although I have to admit I think Negotiating with the Dead was a way better title!