Loving reading The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling on my Onyx Boox Palma. It's so funny and such a fast read for such a long, old book! (Published 1749!) #projectgutenberg #free #ereader
Loving reading The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling on my Onyx Boox Palma. It's so funny and such a fast read for such a long, old book! (Published 1749!) #projectgutenberg #free #ereader
In a way, I did start the readathon on 13th since it was from that day onwards that I began to read, in earnest, this month.
I finished A midsummer night's dream (40 pages).
Finished Tom Jones (507 pages)
Read 124 pages of To the lighthouse.
I have been meeting my goal of reading at least four hours a day. @Andrew65 , I am thrilled. Thanks, again, for hosting. I hope everyone out there participating is having fun. 🌸
#AwesomeAugust #readathon
A little late to the party. But, here are my current reads. My goal for #AwesomeAugustreadathon is to read for four hours, at least, every day. Good luck to everyone who's participating. Thank you @Andrew65 for being such a gracious host! 📚
I have been awaiting the #JubilantJulyReadathon for a few days now. I am at 21% of the tagged book that has some 875 pages. I hope to read at least 50-75 pages a day and maybe finish it. I intend to devote at least 50 hours to reading for this 9 day #readathon. So excited to see whether I will be able to meet my goals. Thank you @Andrew65 for hosting. I am so so grateful for this.
#OnThisDay in 1749 Henry Fielding's The History of Tom Jones, Foundling was first published in London. The Bildungsroman is one of the earliest works in English to be considered a novel. W. Somerset Maugham named it one of the ten best novels ever written, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge stated it had "one of the three best plots ever planned." #HistoryGetsLIT
I‘m doing the quarterly read-a-long on LibraryThing, parsing out the 18 books in this tome over 3 months.
I just got through the midway point (end of chapter 9) and am aiming to get to the 66% mark or the end of chapter 12 by the end of the month.
A Classic novel of satire on English mores, it goes by quickly (though I admit that I rewound a couple of times to catch something I missed as my attention wandered!)
I found this funnier than I was expecting. I especially liked the author's commentary about his own characters and the story he was constructing. This book makes an excellent read on @SerialReader.
🎧 After a false start wherein I had to go back and re-listen to the first chapters in order to acclimate myself to both the writing and narrator style, I‘m totally committed to this satiric look at 18th century English society. It‘s amusing and still relevant!
A rollicking Bildungsroman and road trip novel with a lot of digressions and asides. It takes 800 pages for everyone to show their true colors. The writing is a bit dense at times. Was really interested in the character of Aunt Western who, through a conversation with Sophia, reveals that she has remained single by choice (despite a number of proposals), and clearly enjoys herself unencumbered by a husband, which was a surprising two pages.
My copy of this #bildungsroman needs to be rebound. The cover at the spine has fallen off. #oldcoolbooks @Linsy
Scored some awesome folio editions while supporting local indie bookstores today!
I decided that I'd like to read _Tom Jones_ as my summer "classic I haven't read yet" and I love this bit from the blurb on the BN paperback.
Omg, earthquakes ?
"What then remains to complete the tragedy but a murder or two and a few moral sentences."
.....Hoping I can sneak this sentence into a legal brief one day. It's important to have career goals. #lawyeroflitsy
Showing off my new Folio books ? Some old favourites, some "must haves" from John Donne and the new to me "Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man" by the poet Siegfried Sassoon.
"[H]e knew it was a rule in the construction of all laws that 'expressum facit cessare tacitum,' the sense of which is, 'When a lawgiver sets down plainly his whole meaning, we are prevented from making him mean what we please ourselves.' As some instances of women, therefore, are mentioned in the divine law which forbids us to covet our neighbour's goods, and that of a sister omitted, he concluded it to be lawful." #lawyeroflitsy
Oh, Tommy, we had a long committed relationship. Though you're morbidly obese and long winded, I loved you. But my friends didn't like you or the person I was when I was with you. While I adore your sense of humor and satire, this is the end for us. I've no regrets. Sincerely, -K | ⭐️⭐️⭐️