Allie the main character gets turned into a vampire because she was going to die. The world building and vampires were super cool. Really enjoyed this one. #vampires #halloween #review #BookSpinBingo
Allie the main character gets turned into a vampire because she was going to die. The world building and vampires were super cool. Really enjoyed this one. #vampires #halloween #review #BookSpinBingo
FANTASTIC!!! ugh these books are some of my favs too. highly recommend
This book caught my attention and I read it straight through without putting it down. It was interesting to read about a vampire struggling with her humanity vis-a-vis her thirst. There were a lot of themes of trust, loyalty, family, bravery, sacrifice, denial, faith, hope, and acceptance that made this a really worthwhile read.
I never doubt where my love of reading came from. ❤️ #momsthatread #monkeyseemonkeydo #theappleandthetree
If a book hangover is the inability to start a new book because you‘re still living in the previous book‘s world... What‘s the name for the condition where you love being in some other world so much that you hop from book to book and ignore real life? #bookwormproblems #930pagesin36hoursandcounting #whatsnext
“You are a monster.” Kanin‘s deep voice droned in my head again, as I forced myself to move, to walk away. “You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it. But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you.”
Rereading one of my favorite books.
Guys, I know it's hard to believe but I found a vampire book that isn't totally awful and awkward!
Finished January 21, 2018.
I started this book nervous because how over done #vampires and #dystopia are in YA books. However, this one surprised me. There wasn't any sparkling, and the vampires didn't just blend in with humans due to them being unable to face the sun. But just like humans, there are good ones and evil ones and the most important lesson of all is that ultimately, "what type of #monster you become is entirely up to you".
I read a lot of paranormal romance, so it was nice to read a good vampire novel not focusing on romance.
Allie hated vampires, but after being attacked by rabies she faces a choice. Die, or try to become a vampire. She chooses to live.
Typical plot for this kind of story, but refreshing at the same time. I enjoyed this one and will probably look out for the others in this trilogy.
Stayed in bed late this Saturday morning to finish this book (while watching Forged in Fire).
This book was okay. Typical vampire story where she hates what she is and wants to help humans over vamps. This is the first in a series. It definitely didn‘t hook me to make me want to continue with the series...
So I picked this first book for my #LRC - Read a Trilogy.
I should‘ve known that I‘ve been so over vampire stories (that aren‘t romance)..
I‘m 268 pages in with a total of 485 pages. If it doesn‘t pick up, I‘m gonna have to bail on this series...
Anyone have good suggestions for fantasy trilogies?
My latest library #bookhaul- I was going to get one more, but the Historian and The Immortal Rules were both very large and I couldn‘t even fit all these books in my bag!!!
Can‘t wait to dig into these! 😊
In this dystopian YA book, a virus has wiped out most of the human population. The remaining humans live in vampire controlled, walled cities built to keep out the hoards of rabids, mutated mindless vampires. Allie, who refuses to become registered and protected by the reigning vampire, must scavenge for food. On one of these excursions, she must make a fateful choice that may lead her to a cure. A page turner, next book in series on order 💕.
Just finished reading the immortal rules and it was awesome! This is also my favorite quote from the book📚📚
This was almost almost like a blend of the Passage, the Host, and the Fifth Wave. With a little bit of Mad Max. An interesting take on the vampire spin and the effort of the main character to keep her humanity. I'm definitely interested to see where the rest of the series goes!
A society run by vampires and their "pets", check! Humans treated as blood cattle, check! Rabid/zombie people & animals living outside the society's compound, check! And cannibals living in the sewers, check! Liking this book so far.