This book of poetry was amazing! Not a genre I normally go for, but I'm so glad that I did! Lots of powerful stuff!
This book of poetry was amazing! Not a genre I normally go for, but I'm so glad that I did! Lots of powerful stuff!
About 1/3 of the way in and I am loving this so far! Great humor! #nimona #graphicnovels #epicreads
A must read for fans of #everythingeverything #nicolayoon #yacontemporary #diversebooks #lovestory
Picked this up at the library to see if I like it before I purchase the series. I've heard amazing things! #librarylover #lovesallthingsmagical
I so regret seeing the movie before reading this. So many things are spoiled. BUT, I am loving it. The format is great and the story is so captivating. #everythingeverything #spoiledbythemovie
"Grief isn't like sadness at all. Sadness is only something that's a part of you. Grief becomes you; it wraps you up and changes you and makes everything- every little thing- different than it was before." #grief #midnightattheelectric #ya