Just started this morning. I like that the first story involves Montserrat and La Padrera because I can be like I'VE BEEN THERE!
Just started this morning. I like that the first story involves Montserrat and La Padrera because I can be like I'VE BEEN THERE!
Library #bookhaul!! Got a bunch of poetry books for the tail end of #nationalpoetrymonth
Re-reading for at least the fourth time ❤️❤️❤️. Reading along with the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast. #harrypotter #harrypotterandthesacredtext
Just started this morning! So far, so good.
"Kill for food. Kill for money. Sometimes a man get kill because he look at another man in a way that he didn't like. And killing don't need no reason. This is ghetto. Reason is for rich people. We have madness."
This book is so much fun to read! I'm loving it! #currentlyreading #darkmatter #blakecrouch
"That's what happens when you personify hopes and dreams in one person. He becomes nothing more than a literary device." #abriefhistoryofsevenkillings #marlonjames