I loved this series!! So different and intriguing... https://wayfaringbibliomaniac.wordpress.com/2018/07/26/mask-of-shadows-by-linsey...
I loved this series!! So different and intriguing... https://wayfaringbibliomaniac.wordpress.com/2018/07/26/mask-of-shadows-by-linsey...
What a story! I loved this so much... Frey and the Mercies are so complex and gave me all the feels.. will absolutely be preordering.
This was an incredibly interesting series. There are a whole lot of controversial topics we don't see in most YA novels and I love it! Would recommend.
This was one of those books that touches your soul and makes you all the better for it. It's stayed with me since I finished it, and I think it'll be resonating in my mind for a very long time to come.
Read more on my blog: wayfaringbibliomaniac.wordpress.com/the-geography-of-lost-things-by-jessica-brody-arc-review
Can you imagine a world in which monsters roam free as part of society? Welcome to Nita's life. Not Even Bones is the book I didn't even know I wanted! I loved every single minute of this. It was completely refreshing to read a book that isn't cut and dried black and white moral choices. There are many times Nita and other characters have to make a decision between bad and worse. It definitely isn't your average monster story.
It's here!!! It's finally here!! I'm so freaking excited about this!
These twisted fairy tales are awesome! And a little bit mad. Would recommend to anyone looking for something a bit different.
Highly recommend these so far! I've read the top 2 and Not Even Bones. They're really good and all very different. I love having a wide range of interests!
"You must be looking for something...Or you wouldn't be here."
His words are so spot-on, his comprehension so profound, I flinch and look at him
Like many other MCs, Thomas is an idealist, albeit an extremely honest with himself idealist. He admits to being a coward and many other things besides. This honesty made me like him all the more; although, he‘s definitely no hero. If he had tried to hide it, I would have scoffed and the story would have lost a little something for me. As it was, the story was slow moving and pretty boring in my view.
Hi everyone! So excited to be here! Just found this thanks to a dear friend and it seems so cool! Please excuse me while I flail around getting acquainted with the site and it's awesomeness! My current favourite book is Sky in the Deep 😍 it's an awesome tale of viking badassery and acceptance. Check it out!